BP1005 Identity as an Early Childhood Professional Project
My Professional Website
- Build Your Website Using New Google Sites
- Follow the Guidelines and Resources for Building Your Professional Website document for tips and reminders.
- Access the resource links provided in the document for specific guidance.
- Write the Required Content for Your Professional Website
- Be sure to:
- Apply designated Professional Digital Identity Guidelines, as indicated, on the Professional Website Review Checklist to all required website content.
- Complete the following sections of your websiteThis assessment has four-parts.PART 1: MY PROFESSIONAL PROFILE
- Introduce yourself to your website’s visitors.
- Describe your background and the experiences that prompted your interest in the early childhood field.
- Explain why you have enrolled in the BS in Early Childhood Studies, including who and/or what inspired you to do so.
- Note: You may choose to post a digital photo of yourself with your profile. Remember, if children who are not your own children appear in the photo, you must provide a signed photo release form for each child. Your coach can provide copies of the required form
- Introduce yourself to your website’s visitors.
- Develop three core professional beliefs about the early childhood profession, early childhood education, and/or young children that are shaping your identity as an early childhood professional. Make sure you:
- Explain the knowledge or practice that informs each of your beliefs, such as key contributors to the early childhood field; research about children and families; professional standards; professional ethics; and/or professional passion for positive social change. In other words, draw on the knowledge and commitment you have gained thus far in your professional journey.
- Explain how each of your core beliefs informs, shapes, and/or influences your current practice and will inform, shape, and/or influence your future professional practice.
- Relate at least one of your core beliefs directly to advocacy for positive social change for young children and families.
- Note: You may choose to use any or all of the following prompts to guide you in writing your core beliefs:
- I believe…
- I believe this because…
- This belief influences (will influence) my professional work by…
- This belief is helping to shape my professional identity by…
- Share your interests and knowledge. Your website is an ideal place for demonstrating this aspect of professionalism. For this part of your website:
- Identify at least two specific areas within the early childhood field that are of special interest to you. (Note: You may include as many areas of interest as you choose, but you are required to provide two.) These may be whole areas, such as infant and toddler development, or particular topics, issues, or trends within the field.
- For each area of interest:
- Briefly explain why it interests you. Aim to provide information that can interest others (e.g., if it’s controversial, briefly explain the differing views).
- Provide links to at least two online resources, such as articles or websites, that have expanded your knowledge and that you also recommend to others, such as colleagues and/or families. (Note: You may provide more than two, but you are required to provide two resources and links per area of interest.)
- Also, provide a brief description (i.e., one or two sentences) of the content of each resource, as a guide for visitors to your site.
- Formulate two goals related to your professional practice and/or growth in your work as an early childhood professional.
- Explain why each goal has particular meaning for you as an early childhood professional.
- For at least one goal, explain how you aim to achieve it.
- Note: Your goals can be as general or as specific or as short term or as long term, as you choose. For example, you may have a goal of becoming a certified kindergarten teacher in your state. You may be setting your sights on a position in the field that will require moving on to a master’s degree when you complete this program. Or, your goals may be very immediate, such as finding and working with a mentor to guide and strengthen your professional development, or applying your current knowledge to advocate on an issue that affects young children and families in your community or beyond. Think about setting goals that can help you be proactive in guiding your own professional journey today and throughout your career.
- Complete the Professional Website Review Checklist
- Use the Professional Website Review Checklist to ensure the following:
- You have applied designated Professional Digital Identity Guidelines to all required website content.
- All four of the required parts of your website effectively promote your identity as an early childhood professional.
- Develop three core professional beliefs about the early childhood profession, early childhood education, and/or young children that are shaping your identity as an early childhood professional. Make sure you:
- Be sure to: