Writing Homework Help

CC Management Multinational Companies HR Culture Diversity & Other Discussions



Part 5

For multinational companies, political risk refers to the risk that a host country will make political decisions that prove to have adverse effects on corporate profits or goals.
Adverse political actions come in a range, from events like widespread destruction due to revolution to financial changes like new laws that prevent the movement of capital.
For example, several auto manufactures began selling cars in Brazil because they were less expensive than domestic offerings. However, the Brazilian government decided to pass protectionist measures to promote the local manufacturing industry, which essentially halved the sales of many of the foreign auto brands. Kia’s head of Brazilian operations Jose Luiz Gandini even went as far as telling the Financial Times that everything the company had done in the country up until that point was “thrown in the trash” by those measures. In these kind of situations companies usually will end up losing a lot of money if they are unprepared for these adverse situations.

The simplest solution is to research the riskiness of a country, either by paying for reports from consultants that specialize in making these assessments or doing research yourself using the many free sources available on the internet (such as the U.S. Department of State’s background notes).

If you do go ahead and enter a country considered at-risk, one of the better solutions is to purchase political risk insurance.

It’s a good idea to develop a business model tailored to the local market. MNC can increase its chance for success with experienced people who understand its vision, strategy, and goals – but who also understand the local business climate, culture and customs.
Another type of risk is the Legal Risk.
For many emerging countries, the legal infrastructure isn’t as sound as in the markets firms are accustomed to. This can result in businesses taking unforeseen losses simply because they may not have the ability to protect their rights or assets as they would in their home region. If something goes awry, they may be limited in their ability to make things right again.

Part 6

From the discussion preparation, examine two potential risks that could adversely affect operational effectiveness of U.S. multinational corporations that have plans to do business in Cuba.

Address the following:

Recommend strategies that could help the companies mitigate these risks. Provide a rationale for your reasoning.

The visit of President Obama on March 16, 2016, was to revisit the diplomatic relationship between the US and Cuba and to ease the travel to each country and lift some restrictions. In 2017 President Trump re-instated the travel and business restriction to Cuba. In January 2021, President Trump redesignates Cuba as a terrorism sponsor. Cuba has multiple roadblocks for it to attract multinational companies to invest and to improve their company. According to the 2021 Index of economic freedom, Cuba ranked 176 (Heritage Org, 2021). With the economic embargo in place, some risks and limitations adversely affect the operational effectiveness of US multinational companies planning to operate a business in Cuba.

The lack of communication infrastructure, limited WIFI, and internet capability decrease future investors’ opportunities and limit businesses and employees’ growth. In addition, because of the limited communication infrastructure, issues will arise with the ordering and delivery of supplies, which may cause delays.

Another risk that will affect the operation of an MNC is the labor market. Due to the political climate and economic condition, highly educated, qualified, skilled personnel and entrepreneurs migrate. The MNC faces the question that there will be enough skill set to fulfill the requirements of a business. Will there be enough entrepreneurs to partner with the MNC that understand the political and economic system of Cuba.

In mitigating any risk in conducting business in any country like Cuba, Multinational Companies need to conduct a risk assessment, prepare a detailed plan and alternative plan. Establishing a good relationship with the locals and choosing the right partner is critical. It aids in understanding the customs, dealing with issues (political and economic)

Besides conducting a risk assessment, the MNC and its leadership need to run an operation in Cuba effectively.

One of the strategies that will help mitigate the risk that affects MNC operation in Cuba is themultidomestic strategy. The strategy addresses the local needs by offering products or services that attract consumers and investors (Cullen, 2017). By multi-domestic strategy, the MNC can address the lack of communication infrastructure and internet issues by partnering with the local telecommunication company.

Another strategy to mitigate risk is thetransnational strategy. Cuba has cheap labor and provides an incentive to employees; thus, employees are motivated and think twice about leaving the company. Cheap labor equals cheap manufacturing. Thus, the strategy allows the MNC to position their company with cheap manufacturing and provide the customers’ needs (Cullen 2017).

Lastly, theregional strategyhelps to mitigate the risk. The regional strategy permits the MNC to address issues regionally. It will strengthen and improve the relationship between the businesses and locals, and as a result, it develops partnerships, and it will address the issue of communication structure and employment.

Part 7

From the e-Activity, assuming you work for a multinational company that manufactures fruit beverages. Your company now wants to expand its supplier base to include fruit farmers in Nicaragua. Identify three key issues that your company must address with the local farmers to ensure success. Provide rationale for your reasoning.

Guidelines that a company could use to select an anchor partner:
1. An anchor partner should share the same level of love, values, vision and enthusiasm and commitment as yourself in promoting the business to reach its goals.
2. An anchor partner should have the ability to share his or her resources, assets, technology and skills with the company and follow guidelines and company’s policies in doing business and be able to build strong business relationship with yourself, employees and clients.
3. Your anchor partner should be financially stable and to contribute as needed.

Agriculture plays a key role in Nicaragua’s economy and the main source of income for most families. Major crops for domestic consumption include corn (maize), beans, rice, sorghum, plantains, and cassava (manioc). Various fruits and vegetables also are produced for local consumption.
Key issues that your company must address with the local farmers to ensure success:

1. Know and plan your negotiation strategy. Conduct face to face talks.
2. Build trust and deal with farmer negotiators with confidence and dignity. A labor contract should be specific in terms and conditions.
3. Wages should be fair and competitive. Provide incentives and bonuses provide health insurance if possible.
The World Food Program has other projects at work in Nicaragua that focus on food security, sustainable agriculture, health and social programs.

Any company that wants or plans on expanding needs to have some form of plan in place. This includes having reliable suppliers, reliable transport, and an adequate amount of revenue so they can pay the suppliers.
One of the first steps is to educate the farmers on what fruits you need and how you expect them to be grown. Depending on the type of fruit depends on if the supplier can grow them in their type of climate. If you want organic fruits that will need to be discussed beforehand. Depending on how they are grown (organic or not) depends on how much it will cost for the suppliers to grow the fruits and how much you are charged for them. How the suppliers are paid and how often will be something that needs to be discussed with a contract before any crops are grown. This will show the suppliers you are serious about taking them on as suppliers and that you intend to keep your end of the contract.
Also, a key issue is sustainability of the agriculture. The farmers should know how to create sustainable agriculture with the natural resources.
“A sustainable agriculture approach seeks to utilize natural resources in such a way that they can regenerate their productive capacity, and also minimize harmful impacts on ecosystems beyond a field’s edge.
One way that farmers try to reach these goals is by considering how to capitalize on existing natural processes, or how to design their farming systems to incorporate crucial functions of natural ecosystems,” (Brodt et al., 2011). Overall plantation farming may be an issue especially if the farmer is unable to expand his or her land.
This could be a key issue depending on how much of a demand is put on the farmer for the fruits. Another issue is transport.
You want to make sure there is reliable transport that will also be cost effective this will need to be discussed because in some areas the transport may need insurance just in case something were to go wrong.

Part 8

For Real, Ms. Purnama would encounter key challenges in finding global developers to suit her preference. Few key challenges are:

  • Finding developers that can create a platform that understands how those local shoppers behave.
  • Difficult to figure out the taste of the shoppers due to culture.

Yes, indeed culture orientation and the way of life standout to be a major element that would affect the behavior of the developers she chooses. Considering how nowadays peers tend to influence how others behave, developing a system that keep tracts on shoppers’ behavior would require more complexity that may misread the feedback from a survey/shoppers’ data.

Hence, I think it would be wise that Ms. Purnama finds a global develop that understands advertising pitching and consumer purchasing behavior. With this I am sure Ms. Purnama will be able to keep track of the consumers’ behavior and decide what and when to offer promotions.

Least the developer forgot that the people of Indonesia, like any other people believe and live by their culture, using it as benchmark for whatever they do, including purchasing.

Part 9

Being assigned as the head of the HR department in a region that is changing rapidly to conform to the reality of finding the right person for the right job, I would begin by instituting these steps. A hiring plan that works in sequential order will be rolled out beginning with searching for the competent, qualified, trainable, and available applicants.

As per this plan, I would seek to hire applicants that have experience and qualification that fit a plant worker.

Considering how difficult it is nowadays to get the right candidate for jobs that are in abundance, a compensation package that is attractive and measured to our competitors would be developed for that vacancy.

In so doing, I would expand my recruitment arms to companies in similar industry with the hope of hiring their plant workers.

Secondly, I would seek to hire applicants that are available and trainable. I believe applicants in these categories would be less expensive as compared to the qualified applicants from competitors’ workforce.

For any reason, if the needed plant workers require specialized staff, I would use our staff from other subsidiaries to fit in until the right person can be found.

Part 10

Quite an interesting outing for a corporate member, knowing that these kind of events are meant to be semi-official. However, for a good manager it is required that you know the mood and plan what to throw out during such an outing. But, for me I think using these strategies and chronological steps will be the best pitch for such a meeting. Below are the steps:

Firstly, I would select the venue and be the first to arrive at the meeting location. While at the table, I will:

Before the meals

After the meal

During Dessert

Like I mentioned supra, meetings at these functions are mostly intended to pitch an idea, or chat about some things related to an event or a business plan. Therefore, I am of the conviction that the following seven-pointed strategies would set the tone for a healthy business discussion that would lead to positive partnership.

The fact remains that a business entity would prefer to hold an official business discussion at a private venue rather than over a meal.

Notwithstanding, business discussion at a dinner could provide the medium through which prospective partners could chat about business-related issues on the surface.

Beginning a conversion with a potential client by sharing your travel experience or chatting about the restaurant is indeed a nice way to sail. When the ambiance is created, chatting about business plans, prospect, profitability, and potential partnership would flow in a positive direction.

Hence, these strategies are best suited to be used as road map for such a business meeting.

Part 11

Rank the three most important concepts that you have learned in this course in order of significance (one being the most important; three, the least). Provide a rationale for your ratings.

I have listed the three main concepts that I Have learned in this course that I think will help me to move forward in my current career as well as in my future endeavors.

How to deal with Human Resource Issues

How to Deal with Culture Diversity in the Workplace

-How to effectively communicate with Staff while In the Workplace