Eastern Shore Prioritizing Security to Freedom for The Greater Good Paper
Part 1 – In this discussion, you will share a draft of your case study introduction. You will also give and receive feedback from your classmates.
Post a draft of your introductory paragraph. Be sure that your introduction includes a “real-life” instance of your social issue and your thesis. Refer to the sub-module on Writing Your Introduction for tips and sample introductory paragraph. Also be sure that you demonstrate all the previously covered grammar skills in your writing.
Part 2 – In this discussion, you will share a draft of one of your body paragraphs. You will also give and receive feedback from your classmates.
Post a draft of one of your body paragraphs. Be sure that your body paragraph includes a clear point that is supported by appropriate details, along with information and ideas from the course readings. Don’t forget to engage with a source in your paragraph. Refer to the sub-module on Writing Your Body Paragraphs for tips and sample body paragraphs. Also be sure to demonstrate pronoun-antecedent agreement and the grammar skills covered in previous weeks in your writing.