Chinas 5000 Year Development Speech Outline
Submit the outline as a file upload.
Include and label all components of the introduction, body and conclusion (just like in the example outline below).
Use at least key words after each component to describe what you will talk about or to trigger your memory. You can include more than key words to help you remember what to talk about. The outline is for you to help you bring out your best when presenting a speech to the audience.
Remember to include your 3 different sources (minimum) in the outline where you will be citing them out loud during the speech.
If you don’t get full credit on your first submission, you can submit the outline again after viewing my comments for improvement to get a higher score.
Follow the outline structure and example below:
Informative Speech Outline Format and Example
Informative Speech Outline Format
A. Attention Grabber (question, quotation, song lyrics, imagine a scenario, action, joke (needs to relate to topic), story, etc.
B. Thesis Statement: Describes what your presentation is about (1 sentence). Example: The purpose of this speech is to_______________________________________________.
C. Significance: Why is your topic important for the audience to learn about, how will they benefit?
D. Preview Main Points (say main point titles out loud)
Main Point 1:_________________________________
-subpoint (cite source)
Main Point 2:________________________________________
-subpoint (cite source)
Main Point 3:__________________________________________
-subpoint (cite source)
A. Review Main Points
B. Restate Significance (same as in Introduction)
C. Closing Line (refer back to opening line, imagine a scenario, ask a question, use a quotation, etc.)
Informative Speech Outline Example:
Attention Grabber: La Paz, Bolivia, Ios, Greece, Bali, Indonesia, Melbourne, Australia, Johanesburg, SA
Thesis Statement: The purpose of this speech is to teach you how to purchase the cheapest international airline ticket to the world destination of your choice.
Significance: education, culture, fun, now more easy/economical than ever
Preview Main Points (say main point titles out loud)
Main Point 1: Fly off season to reduce price
-hemispheres, supply and demand
-know peak travel seasons (June 1-Sept. 15, Dec. 14-Jan. 10) (
Main Point 2: Choosing the best days of the week to purchase and fly
– buy on T, fly on T, W, Th (
-be strategic to avoid/use major holidays to decrease fare
Main Point 3: fly to an international hub city and then travel (fly, bus, train, boat) from there
– Fly to the continents cheapest point (international hub city) (Rough Guide to Africa 2018)
-purchase online ticket from there to destination of choice
-also check train, ferry and bus prices
Review Main Points (say main point titles out loud)
Restate Significance: experience, longer trips, ideal trip
Closer: Amy Crawford quotation
Attention Grabber:China’s basic etiquette, China’s Great Wall, China’s intangible cultural heritage. Culture of China
Thesis Statement: Let me take you to understand China’s 5,000-year development
Significance: education, culture,Essential economic power
Main Point1 ?The purpose of building the Great Wall in China
Main Point2 :The culture of communication used daily in China
Main Point3: China’s huge economic development in recent decades