Are You Struggling with Performing Muscle Ups Personal Experience Discussion
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Recently, 9 months ago, I had difficulties in performing muscles ups and I could only do them on one hand. Despite the fact that at that time I could already do 18 to 20 pull-ups in one go. Today, my record is 8 times with more or less normal technique.
If it is as difficult as for me to master this exercise, I recommend:
Use a resistance band 25-35 kg. It will definitely help in improving the technique and increasing the number of repetitions.
Personally, when I began to master the muscle ups, I spent 10-15 minutes at the end of the workout. Once a week or two. You can train it at the beginning, which is even better, because you are still full of strength. But at that time, I had other priorities.
It is also better to perform this exercise with straightened legs, but unfortunately, where I live, you will not find high horizontal bars.
On this video, my today’s workout: 1 muscle up – 1 push up from the bar, 5 times in a row. 10 sets in total + 150 pull-ups and 300 push-ups in the shortest time.