Cuyamaca Sexualities Cohabitation and Marriage Work and Families Chapters Evaluation
Assignment 5ARead the following chapters
Part Three Chapter 6 Sexualities (pg153)
Chapter 7 Cohabitation and Marriage (pg179)
Chapter 8 Work and Families (pg213)
Assignment 5B Choose two points of interest from each chapter. Label title.
Write two (2) well-developed paragraphs for each point. Include detail and depth and topic in first sentence. A total of six (6) paragraphs needed for Part Three.
Assignment 5CRead the following chapters.
Part Four Chapter 9 Children and Parents (pg235)
Chapter 10 Older Parents and Their Families (pg263)
Assignment 5D Write two well developed paragraphs for each topic chosen
from each chapter. Remember to include chapter title and number. Four paragraphs needed total for Assignment A or Chapter 9 and 10.