London College of Fashion No Fear Translation by William Shakespeare Discussion
I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.
Your next task is to read the first three acts of Othello.…
Once you’ve read those three acts, mark this as reviewed to get to the assignment, the journal entry.
In literature, a theme is a unifying subject of discourse or broad idea of a story that conveys a message. On the other hand, a motif is a recurring element of a story with some symbolic significance; its purpose is to reinforce a theme. Another way to think about this is the following: themes are abstract ideas whereas motifs are recurrent, usually concrete, objects and symbols that illustrate these ideas; the re-occurrence of a motif develops a theme.
Given this, locate a motif (or several) and show how they are connected to the theme of the play. This of course will require that you define the theme. At this point, you may make a brief hypothesis of what you believe the theme might be (up through ACT III) given the motif(s) that you identify.