Walden University Components of a Problem Statement Work Burnout Paper
Components of a Problem Statement
A problem statement is typically a 1 to 2 paragraph statement and that contains a logical argument for the need to address an identified gap in the research literature that has current relevance to the discipline and area of practice. Keep in mind that a gap in the research is not, in and of itself, a reason to conduct research. Make sure to clarify the problem that led you to the gap. The situation being experienced in a societal population or discipline is described within the problem statement.
A problem statement also includes preliminary evidence that provides justification that this problem is meaningful to the discipline or professional field. Provide three to five key citations that support the relevance and currency of the problem. These references need not all be from peer- reviewed journals but should be from reputable sources, such as national agency databases or scholarly books, and should ideally be from the past 5 years. Another item to consider is to assure that the problem is framed within and primarily focused on the discipline (program of study).
To prepare:
– Review the media program on “Developing Social Problems into Research Problems for CRQ” found in this at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udfldYXvUxw&feature=youtu.be
– Review your Research Problem Document – 4 Day Work Weeks
Assignment 1
In this short writing assignment, you will provide a one- to two-paragraph problem statement that is the result of a review of research findings and current practice in I/O Psychology,
You’ll need to review the attachment “Research Problem-4dayworkweek” to grasp the topic and research problem to create this problem statement assignment