The Primary Source of Theology
In the last session, you considered the proper object of theology: God. In the same vein of locating proper and primary elements of theology well done, this session focuses on theology’s primary source: Holy Scripture.
A full and thorough treatment of the Bible, in terms of its place and full contribution to theology, will be undertaken in the Systematic Theology I class. Here and now we consider how best to approach Scripture with faithfulness to the fact that it is God’s Word. Interpretive issues are the focus of this session. What are the hermeneutical options, including a recommended one, for approaching the Bible as the Word of God written—God’s self-revelation to human beings and, thus, the primary source for doing theology?
Topic Outcomes:
By the end of this session, students will be able to:
- Differentiate among the multiple hermeneutical approaches to understanding Scripture.
- Analyze Hart’s suggested approach to Scripture.
- Examine hermeneutical approaches to Scripture reading and interpretation.