Keiser Career College Pembroke Pines Wk 1 Critical Thinking Question
I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.
Week1 Discussion: What is critical thinking and why it is very important (or is it)?
(Please watch the movie moments — they will help you to grasp the core principles of critical thinking)
‘If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.’ (Renee Descartes, the great philosopher of the enlightenment)
‘An unexamined life does not worth living.’ (Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher)
We, humans, all think, all the time in some ways or other (in fact, we are engaged in incessant self-talk all the time). As Descartes’ famous adage says, ‘I think, therefore I am.’ The Nobel prize winning American-Israeli psychologist Daniel Kahneman in his latest book, Thinking Fast and Slow, explains that there are two types of thinking, and he calls them fast and slow (or type I and II), but I think we could also call them reflexive and deliberate. Reflexive thinking is our immediate (reflexive/involuntary) response to mental impulses/experiences and, in many cases, it may be even unconscious, and we could not even stop it (see, STROOP effect). Critical thinking is a form of the conscious/deliberate kind of thinking. However, it is still different from everyday thinking in some ways.