aads reading response
Modules 7, 9, 11-12: Reading Response Paper 3
You are welcome to expand on something you said in a Blackboard discussion in your Reading Response papers. Reading responses allow you to engage with the assigned material and develop critical reading and writing skills.
- This paper should be 2½- 3 pages -750-1,000 words – double-spaced, 12 pt. font Word document.
- Responses should address a key issue or theme developed in the readings from that section. I will distribute prompts, but you are encouraged to create your own topic.
- Exceptional responses will develop an interesting argument and put multiple readings in discussion with each other
- This paper should effectively integrate at least three quotes cited from at least three course materials.
- It should include a reference list of all sources, both readings and screenings used.
- The checklist cover sheet, https://bethhaller.wordpress.
com/syllabi/understanding- disability-through-mass-media/ assignment-checklist/
Material to help:
- Stock photos of people with disabilities
Stock photos are mostly free images people obtain from the internet to use on web pages or with other written content online, such as blog posts or articles written for media that don’t have photographers.
Why is it important that these stock photos include disabled people?
Why should stock photos that use disabled people show them as being
active and empowered?
Watch the PSA videos, as well as look at some of the pictures:
The Disability Collection, https://www.oath.com/accessibility/getty-collection/
Getty disability images, https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/disability?mediatype=photography&phrase=disability
PhotoAbility, http://www.photoability.net/
- Hip Hop and documentaries
Why is it important that disabled people are directing documentaries and participating in all forms of music, such as Hip Hop? What are Krip Hop Nation and (https://kriphopnation.com/) and 4 Wheel City trying to achieve?
- LeBrecht, J. (2018, January 8). A Place at the Table: Doc Filmmakers with Disabilities on Building Careers and Disproving Stereotypes. Documentary. https://www.documentary.org/feature/place-table-doc-filmmakers-disabilities-building-careers-and-disproving-stereotypes (Links to an external site.)
- Robertson, D. (2017, July 1). Hip Hop and Disability: An interview with Leroy Moore Jr., Black Perspectives. https://www.aaihs.org/hip-hop-and-disability-an-interview-with-leroy-moore-jr/
- Rose, B. (2020, July 23). Rap duo 4 Wheel City and the Krip-Hop career they never expected. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/disability-53070196?fbclid=IwAR3xzpOaMGv_wDMH3MCZM_8ilAoIeR3DZ7rPyC42DXsBvUBQzukcmNcDHHI
- “My Dad Matthew” short film
Discuss your impressions of this short documentary about parenting with a disability. What surprised you and why?
A little background: Matthew and his son Elijah’s mother are no longer together, so Elijah doesn’t live full-time with Matthew. He visits his Dad on weekends and in the summer. Matthew, who has cerebral palsy, has a full-time, live-in attendant to assist him.
- “Born This Way” reality show
How can a show like “Born This Way” change public attitudes toward people with Down syndrome? What surprised you about the young adults in the show?
- Vila, V. (2016, Jan. 12). Down syndrome on TV: Conversations about Born This Way. Thoroughly Modern Messy blog, https://modernmessy.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/born-this-way/
- Video: “Born This Way” (2015-2018) sneak peek (5 min.), Born This Way: Meet the Cast – New Series Sneak Peek | A&E
Note: If you want to see more, here is the show’s page:
- Ads featuring physically disabled people
Compare and contrast these 5 ads featuring wheelchair users. Which do you think has the best representation of a disabled person and why? Which do you think has the worst representation of a disabled person and why?
- Loebner, J. (2016). We can change attitudes with disability in advertising. https://advertisinganddisability.com/2016/02/18/we-can-change-attitudes-with-disability-in-advertising/ (Links to an external site.)
- Loebner, J. (2011). Liberty Mutual’s responsibility revolution. http://advertisinganddisability.com/2011/11/17/liberty-mutuals-responsibility-revolution (Links to an external site.)/
- Neff, J. (2014). Advocacy group: Ad research overlooks disabled. Advertising Age. http://adage.com/article/news/advocacy-group-ad-research-overlooks-disabled/292041/ (Links to an external site.)
- Cingular Ad with Dan Keplinger, Cingular Commercial 2001 (Links to an external site.)
- CrossFit spokesman Kyle Maynard,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwvfI-27lK0#t=31 (Links to an external site.) - Liberty Mutual ad with Teal Sherer, Election (Links to an external site.)
- Nuveen ad with Christopher Reeve, Christopher Reeve Superbowl commercial (Links to an external site.)
- Kleenex, Unlikely Best Friends, Unlikely Best Friends (Links to an external site.)
- Guinness wheelchair basketball ad
Watch the ad and then read Ladau’s critique. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
- Ladau, E. (2013). Just one of the guys – A critique of the Guinness wheelchair basketball commercial. Words I Wheel By blog. http://wordsiwheelby.com/2013/09/just-one-of-the-guys/ (Links to an external site.)
- Guinness ad Ladau discusses:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwndLOKQTDs&feature=youtu.be (Links to an external site.)
- Deaf people in ads
How are deaf people represented in ads, compared to wheelchair users? More empowering, worse, just the same? Why do you think that?
Bob’s House – Pepsi Super Bowl ad, Bob’s House — Pepsi’s new Super Bowl Ad (Links to an external site.)
Cherie’s Verse, Apple iPad: Your Verse – Cherie’s Verse (Links to an external site.)
Wells Fargo, Learning Sign Language (this features an actual lesbian couple and an actual deaf child), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K9kghcftPg
- Emily’s OZ
This ad has really high production values and partnered with Emily in its creation. How did that make this ad unique? Why was it important that Emily had a say in this ad?
Emily’s OZ – XFINITY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWHbm4zZMCQ (Links to an external site.)
“The making of Emily’s OZ,” https://www.adforum.com/creative-work/ad/player/34509329/the-making-of-emilys-oz-with-video-description/xfinity
- Milk-Bone service dog partnership
How does this cause marketing from Milk-Bone benefit both the company and disabled people who use service dogs? What does the audience “learn” from this ad?
Milk-Bone service dog partnership: http://www.adforum.com/creative-work/ad/player/34466502
- Audio-described ads
How do companies benefit when they audio-describe their ads?
Apple – Accessibility – Sady (with Audio Descriptions)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL7YSqlEd8k (Links to an external site.)
Subaru commercial | See the World | with audio description
Module 11 – Discussions on Blackboard:
- “Pelswick”
Watch this first episode of “Pelswick,” a Nickelodeon cartoon starring a disabled character, and discuss how it is different than other TV shows featuring disabled characters. How does the influence of having disabled cartoonist John Callahan create it come through?
- Josh Blue comedy (2006 winner of Last Comic Standing)
Watch Blue’s comedy set and reflect on how he uses his disability for comedy to get people to laugh with him, not at him.
Josh Blue: 2006 Winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, Paralympic Soccer Player
- Lost Voice Guy comedy
Discuss what you think of Lee Ridley’s comedy and how he is being treated by the judges of “Britain’s Got Talent.” Is he treated like any other comedian or is he getting different treatment because he is disabled?
My #BGT Story: Lost Voice Guy | Britain’s Got Talent 2018
- Video game access
Read these articles and watch these 4 videos and discuss the importance of making video games accessible. Use some examples from the videos of some of the access achieved for the variety of disabled people in these videos.
- Wilds, S. (2020, Jan. 25). For all the players: A history of accessibility in video games. LAD Bible. https://www.ladbible.com/technology/gaming-for-all-the-players-a-history-of-accessibility-in-video-games-20200124 (Links to an external site.)
- Ruder, I. (2014, May). Accessible gaming: Evolution of equality. New Mobility. http://www.newmobility.com/2014/05/accessible-gaming/ (Links to an external site.)
AbleGamers charity (1.34 min.): www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWt0-ovZ-Y0 (Links to an external site.)
Game Makers Toolkit, “Making Games Better for Players with Motor Disabilities | Designing for Disability,” (10.16 min.): Making Games Better for Players with Motor Disabilities | Designing for Disability (Links to an external site.)
CNET, “Disabled players get new life through video games,” (2.34 min.): https://www.cnet.com/videos/disabled-players-get-new-life-through-video-games/ (Links to an external site.)
Financial Times, “People’s technology: video games for the disabled,” (4.16 min.): People’s technology: video games for the disabled
- Microsoft’s Xbox adaptive controller
Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller made gaming much more accessible when it came out in 2018. Why is it important that a major computer company like Microsoft developed an accessible video game controller?
Microsoft Xbox promotional info: https://news.microsoft.com/stories/xbox-adaptive-controller/ (Links to an external site.)
- Introducing the Xbox Adaptive Controller, (2.46 min.) How it works: Explore the Xbox Adaptive Controller (Links to an external site.)
- How the Xbox Adaptive Controller empowers gamers, (3.07 min.) How the Xbox Adaptive Controller empowers gamers
- Disabled characters in video games
Video games could have ignored the disability community and had no characters with disabilities in them. Why do you think video games want to include disability representation, just as more TV shows, advertisements and even films do?
- Carlson, T. (2014, May 2). 6 Unforgettable Disabled Video Game Characters. New Mobility. http://www.newmobility.com/2014/05/6-unforgettable-disabled-video-game-characters/ (Links to an external site.)
- Greebaum, A. (2017, February 14). Disabilities in video games are more realistic than you think. Games Presso. https://www.gamespresso.com/2017/02/disabilities-video-games-realistic-think/ (Links to an external site.)
- McMillen, A. (2017, July 12). The sleeper autistic hero transforming video games. Wired. https://www.wired.com/story/the-sleeper-autistic-hero-transforming-video-games/ (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Video game characters who are disabled (6 min.), Video Game Characters Who Are Disabled