NSU Human Culture in Present Day Humans Bibliography
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
Create a bibliography
Topic:Changes to human culture in present-day humans (when compared to the past). Changes in Lifestyle, life history, life tables, survivorship, etc.
What is required for the bibliography. Good primary sources (scientific literature) on your topic. Two secondary sources (news, reporting, etc) can replace one primary source. Must include at least two scientific sources.
Therefore, you could include:
4 scientific sources (peer reviewed papers)
3 scientific sources and two secondary sources.
2 scientific sources and four secondary sources. Background information::::::::::::::::Argument: Present day humans are quantifiably different than those in the past. Modern humans, through
technological advancements are physically and behaviorally different than our recent ancestors. Our effect on
the geologic record has changed. Our effects on nature have changed. The “Anthropocene” is a proposed
geologic epoch that indicates the time in which modern humans began seriously affecting the geologic record. I
propose that the differences listed above and elaborated upon below warrant a reclassification of modern
humans to a new subspecies: Homo sapiens pandora.
The choice of the name Pandora takes into account three mythological figures related to the creation of human
civilization. Prometheus (whose name means foreward thinking) was the creator of mankind. Epimetheus (his
brother, whose names means hindsight or afterthought) was tasked with apportioning positive attributes among
animals, but lacking the foresight of his brother, neglected to save any for humanity. Thus, Prometheus stole fire
from the Gods and gifted it to mankind. As punishment for the theft of fire, Pandora was created by the gods as
wife to Epimetheus. She was given gifts by each god including a box (or jar) filled with the evils of the world,
which were released upon her opening it.
“Pandora” evokes the myth of Prometheus, which helped humanity develop civilization through the gift of fire
(representing the promise of modern technology). “Pandora” also calls to mind Epimetheus, who recklessly
accepts and uses such gifts, despite warnings about the potential consequence (representing our use of
technology like fossil fuels, weapons, pesticides, etc.). Finally, “Pandora” represents our numerous gifts, but at
the same time our release of countless evils into the world. Renaming our current subspecies Homo sapiens
pandora serves as a reminder of the fact that we are “thinking humans” but we have the capacity to do serious
harm to the world and must slam down the lid of Pandora’s Box before hope is lost.
I see this as both a semi-serious proposal with scientific merit and as an intentionally provocative call for self-
awareness by humanity. Our project will be broken into several parts, aimed at putting together a convincing
proposal to reclassify the present, extant population of modern humans as Homo sapiens pandora.
Each student will choose a category within a broader topic (listed below). That student will do research in the
scientific literature to help build an argument for reclassification. The student will prepare a bibliography and a
written summary of how their work can support reclassification. Then, students within the same topic will meet
and create a cohesive presentation based on their information.