Duke University Uptown Funk Exercise Video Questions
Search for a pop culture exercise program (for example; hot yoga, spin, cross fit, zumba, beach body, etc.) or a sport specific drill/practice session. Choose one specific class/practice video and evaluate 5-10 minutes in the middle of the class/practice .
A.Link the video into the forum. Describe the video, and identify and define the class/practice participants’ demographic range.
B.Evaluate the video segment by listing and answering AFAA’s 5 Question
- What is the purpose of the exercise?
- Are you doing that effectively?
- Does the exercise create any safety concerns?
- Can you maintain proper alignment and form for the duration of the exercise?
- For whom is the exercise appropriate or inappropriate?
- C. Do you consider this video a modern type of group fitness activity? Why or why not
- What type of Group Fitness Method would you classify the video: Pre-Choreographed, Pre-Designed, or Freestyle? What are the benefits of being in that classification?