University of South Carolina USCA Under the Dome Discussion & Response
The video lecture this week discussed the idea of “USCA Under the Dome”. It is interesting (and somewhat terrifying) to contemplate how the USCA campus would look if we were cut off from others for a long time.
In this prompt, I want you to take the US Constitution as a starting point and imagine a constitution being applied to the USCA community under the dome. Do you think our system to govern the USCA campus would be different from the way the US Constitution governs America? Describe what you think our governmental system would look like in the USCA community.
There are parts of the Constitution that would work in a USCA under the dome example (USCAD). For example, I believe the preamble could simply be copy and pasted in to a USCAD constitution. The application of three separate branches of government would also work well for USCAD. An executive branch elected by the people as well as an elected legislative body along with an appointed judiciary would work well on any scale, in my opinion. Matters of taxation, national defense, and the idea that newly elected leaders are still part of the same government are also concepts that would work in USCAD as they do in the US Constitution. Creating a similar amendment process would also be wise.
I think the major issues and differences would stem from the role states play in the US Constitution. USCAD would be too small of a society to accommodate for effective statehood. Instead, USCAD would likely devolve in to a tribal system if such behavior was encouraged. USCAD would be most likely to flourish if united by a single Federal leadership system. Overall, I think that USCAD would do ok to copy a majority of the US Constitution. Though far from perfect, it has proven to be an effective form of governance.