Human Resources Consultant Discussion
I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.
STEP 1: List: The first step is to select a meaningful experience. This portion of the assignment is a descriptive list of answers to the prompts 1- 6 below (approximately ½ page in length). The answers will provide the reader with a general overview of your personal or academic experience.
Hint: The experience may be an academic experience, an assignment, a campus work opportunity, participation in a student group, an internship or a co-curricular experience. You want to choose an experience that was meaningful to you, one that you learned from and one that can assist you in developing goals for the future!
1)What was the experience? Name it clearly in #1.
2)What was your role during the experience? Describe it clearly in #2.
3)Who was present? List others who were involved with the experience in #3.
4)Who benefited from the experience? If others besides you benefited, list them in #4.
5)When and Where did this experience take place? List them in #5.
6)Why did you participate? Describe the reasons for participating in #6.