Los Angeles Valley College Democratic and Republican Parties Discussion
For maximum points, a well rounded short form essay should reach at least 3 pages double spaced or 1 1/2 single spaced .
The rubric included will give you criteria to hit for each point level. Meaning what type of work constitutes an A, B, C, etc.
You are choosing again to write on 1 essay topic out of the 5 different topics provided.
Sources that can be used: OpenStax, documentaries, articles provided and scholarly articles of educational based websites (with websites included as a footnote each time you refer to a quote or an example). Sources NOT to be included, Wikipedia, Quizlet, any student forums which share essays, or further obvious sites like that. I trust that you know the proper outlets for research used for educational purposes. Plagiarism review is added on to all Final submission papers, to be free from this, always use quotes and provide references when you use someone else’s words. The rest of the writing is simply your own analysis of the material. Points are not taken off for grammar mistakes/spelling etc, but of course spell check everything to the best of your ability.
And lastly, this is more of an essay on your thoughts and perspective of the material and display of knowledge with what you learned. Quotes can be used, but kept at a minimum since I’ll be grading your own work . A good rule of thumb with papers is to keep quotes at 15-20% of writing at most, the rest should be your own sentences.
1) Detail the course of Civil Rights in this country in terms of US Amendments, civil law, practice, etc. What laws were implemented to promote equality? You may chose any group of people to focus on and discuss their path with civil rights. Lastly, include your thoughts their civil rights stand in 2021.
2) Discuss the role between social media and the government. How are these two connected? In terms of public opinion, what specific examples have you learned about how social media can influence politics?
3) Explain in detail the why America runs on a 2 -party system and how each of these two parties have evolved and what they mean to America today. Do you feel that more parties should be included? Why or why not?
4) Discuss the checks and balances system we have with the legislative, executive and judicial branch. With this unique system, discuss how Congress, the role of the Presidency, and the Supreme Court are interwoven together. Include any situation in history or modern times that magnified the relationships between them. For example, with the passing of Ruth Ginsberg last year, picking a new lifetime Supreme Court judge came head on with the Presidency. You can discussion this situation or bring up another example.
5) Go into further detail about the U.S foreign policy from what you already discussed in Chapter 17. Bring up an example that Openstax referenced and go into further detail discussing the elements of international politics, the consequences, the outcome etc. Be sure to use scholarly examples only once you research outside of OpenStax. Use their references as well for further reading.