Writing Homework Help

POLS 101 SJSU The US Government & Commonly Shared Values Among Americans Essay


1)Class Disc 1 (20 points)

US Values?

What values do Americans tend to share? Are there any values that all Americans share? why do we disagree so vehemently about the proper role of government in upholding those? (Respond to this prompt in MORE THAN 550 words essay must be 2pages in APA format and PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE OTHERS! No need to cite anything because it is ALL YOUR THOUGHTS – nothing else write for excellence. Write to express your thoughts)-

2)Course Project (CP) 1st (10 points)


Think small – think real policy – think reality.

A specific and real policy change at a specific level of government.

In a sentence or two-state your issue in the form of PROBLEM – SOLUTION…-

Book- “American Government” by Glen Krutz (Content Lead), University of Oklahoma

Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD (Lead Editor) (You should read the chapter 1,2, 3 and on state government (14) to help you do your Course Project!)

RESEARCH for your Course Project. You are expected to have citations in your Course Projects using the APA style citation format. For your Course Project you may wish to refer to Chapter 15 of your e-book on State and Local government. (DO NOT CITE any textbooks, ever).

3)Critical Thinking Project (20points)

Read the syllabus – see the link explaining the Critical Thinking Project – click on that link and find the 8 questions you need to answer.

Follow these directions or lose points.

1 Using APA fully cite your opinion piece

2. IN ORDER briefly (a word or phrase ONLY) answer the 8 questions from the web page.

Do not copy the question – just give the answer.

You will Lose points if you do not follow these direction,


1. The main argument (major point) the author is trying to make is ______________.

2. The author is (choose one) “for” or “against” ___________________________________.

3. The most important information (facts, experience, data) (a)_____________.

(b)__________________ (c) ______________________ (etc.)

4. The key concept(s) do we need to understand _________________________________.

5. The author makes the following assumption(s) _______________________________.

6. The conclusion the author draws is _____________________________.

7. The author calls on us to do (or not do) ___________________________________.

8. The other points of view the author has ignored are _________________________.