Social Science Question
Compare two approaches to ONE of the following: inequality in work, education, people movements or expulsions, incarceration, racism, or class positioning. To do this identify and establish the authors approaches to inequality you are drawing from. i.e., How do they understand how social inequality works? What are their key points? Demonstrate you understand their main discussion or argument.
Extend the authors you have chosen through the one example you have picked. (You can use an example already under discussion in the authors you have chosen or choose your own. It is better to have only one example and this makes up about 15% of your essay).
Each weeks required readings and authors discussed in the lectures and tutorials, and weekly examples, are the primary resources needed to complete this essay. Please also utilise recommended reading posted on CANVAS or named in the Subject Guide. Many introductory texts are available through ejournals, ebooks and in the library. Go to the discovery portal to search for articles at the unimelb library for example. Also some library links are here: SOCI10003 Inequalities: Future Challenges