OCC Balthazar Marvelous Afternoon Social Classes Discussion
I’m studying for my Literature class and need an explanation.
1.)”Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon” presents the theme of social classes and the economic divide between rich and poor. What other values are used to evaluate and describe the characters? For example, the relationship between the boy and Balthazar is not about money. (As individuals or a group, let’s see if we can come up with a variety of answers)
Do you find the ending to “Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon” ironic? Balthazar is drunk and poor lying in the street, as someone steals his shoes, yet he “didn’t want to abandon the happiest dream of his life.” Discuss.
2.) Open Forum on “Balthazar”
Please comment on whatever is of interest to you: Magical realism, social realism, pride, honor, separation of classes, etc.