University of South Florida the Pros and Cons of Medical Tourism
Write an essay on The pros and cons of Medical Tourism in not less than 900 words. Use the information given in the four texts effectively for supporting your arguments.
- You must support your points/arguments by citing the sources.
- Articulate your voice on the ideas and support them with references from the texts.
- Paraphrase, Summarise, direct quote (10%) only.
- Take care of paragraph as well as essay organisation.
- Prepare a reference list at the end.
- Use Harvard style of referencing for in text citation and list of references.
When it comes to healthcare, the US is probably the most heavily regulated country in the world. Step outside US borders, and the standards will generally be lower. These strict rules are one reason why the US has a very high standard in healthcare facilities. On the other hand there are countries where there are no standards at all for medical care. This difference in standards and good practices make the Unites States of America a first choice for many people from around the globe for medical tourism. Common processes that we take for granted, such as sterilization, purity of blood supply and use of appropriate syringes may have lower standards in other countries. It has been thus seen that people who go for treatment to other countries return with other complications. This not only doubles their cost on their healthcare but also puts their lives in a dangerous situation. This is why more and more people now opt for going to the US for their healthcare requirements, even if costs are higher than most of the countries in the world. In short expenses can be kept aside as life and health is more important than money.
TEXT 1: Internet |
Access date |
Yesterday |
Year |
2019 |
Title |
Healthcare andTourism |
Website |
Ministry of Health Malaysia |
Available from |
There are many risks involved in travelling to any foreign country and these risks can multiply when you’re going to a country for medical treatment. First and foremost, if you don’t speak the local language, there can be problems in communication. This can cause you problems during the whole of your stay. People have found it difficult to communicate with the doctors even and thus it was difficult for them to let the people know about the details of their medical condition. Some hospitals have trained translators but it solves the problem only partly. It is difficult to have a translator with you the whole time. You may also not comprehend local customs and practices and thus unknowingly might do things which can bring problems for you. Finally, travel itself can be difficult when recovering from a major surgery and it is difficult and expensive to stay for longer periods for recovering fully from the medical condition.
Patients also have issues with follow-ups after surgeries. Most of the time after a major medical procedure, there is always a necessity of follow-up. While you can be in a foreign country for a major surgery but after a sometime it will be difficult to get follow-up at periodic intervals. Doctors at home – who are not involved in the initial procedure – may not be willing to handle follow-up unless it is an emergency situation.
TEXT 2: Book |
Author |
Greg Richards and Benson Martial |
Year |
2018 |
Title: Tourism |
Developing Medical Tourism |
Edition |
2nd |
Address |
New York |
Publisher |
Swan |
Page |
255 |
On many occasions having a treatment in a Developed country like the US is not easy to take. There are issues which are not easy to tackle. One big question is the cost which is incurred on these medical procedures. On the other hand the same procedures can easily be done in a developing country with less than half the cost even. The cost of a major healthcare procedure in a developing country may be only a fraction of what it is in the US. For example, it may cost $10,000 for open heart surgery in India, while the same procedure would cost $150,000 in the US.
Another argument which is given is the fact that most of these doctors in the developing countries studied and got training in the US, so the quality of their expertise cannot be questioned. Most of the doctors even in the third world countries have some degrees from the west which gives them a credible position in their respective countries. This gives a clear reason for people to travel to countries where they can treat their health issues with less burden on their pockets. So we can say that it is not necessary to go an expensive country like the US for medical tourism, rather it is more advisable to go to a developing country which has all the medical facilities with lower costs.
TEXT 3: Journal |
Page |
30-34 |
Article |
Why ‘no’ to medical Tourism. |
Author |
Catherine Jones |
Volume |
17 |
Issue |
4 |
Journal |
Growing Tourism |
Year |
2016 |
Insurance policies of companies are different from one another but all of them have areas which are not covered. This means that even paying for a medical insurance will not ensure that you will get the desired treatment done by the insurance agency. Alongside this the hassle of waiting for approvals and the time taken on this is also a difficult procedure. Thus many patients in Europe choose to travel to Asia for their healthcare requirements. Jason Thomas recently went through a medical procedure in Thailand. When asked about the insurance he said that ‘Even if you have a good insurance policy, there are always exclusions. Not only will these treatments be uncovered by insurance, they’ll also be very expensive here in the EU. The lower-cost in less developed countries could enable you to have a procedure that you could never afford in the EU or some other rich countries’. He also mentioned the fact that he required a major surgery to be done on him immediately so it was easy going straight to a cheap country for doing the procedure rather than wait for approvals and paper work to be completed by his insurance company. He was also very happy with the care and attention he received during his stay in the hospital.
TEXT 4: Internet |
Available from |
GKI Hospitals |
Date/year |
(2016) |
Accessed on |
3rd February, 2020 |
Website |
http://www.medtourist/News-Details |
Page title |
Medical Tourists and their Importance |