Social Work and Discriminatory Policies Discussion Response
1.cathi- The role of women in public life during the Civil War era increased as more and more women entered the workforce while men were fighting the war. Women still was responsible for maintaining the home as well. Women’s role in the development of the social work profession came after their work in Charity Organization Societies and Settlement Houses. Women advocated for the needs of those who were underserved. Stern and Axinn (2018) indicate that as Charity Organization Societies and Settlement Houses began to merge, the care of individualization (a.k.a. person-centered care) was the basis for the social work profession. I am not sure if all individuals were serviced by the social worker profession in its inception, but I believe the values of the social work profession has changed over time to be more inclusive and overarching in its mission to support people, families and communities.
2.Bryan-Firstly, I’d like to say happy Veteran’s Day to any fellow veterans in this course. Now, the readings this week spoke of how African Americans were historically discriminated against by social welfare agencies. For example, social welfare agencies would enforce a “color line”, which means they would essentially refuse to serve African Americans (Stern & Axinn 2017). Many American’s during this time period would blame societal issues, such as economic downturn, on African Americans (Stern & Axinn 2017). African Americans were seen as a plight on society by many individuals in America, and the viewpoint made access to social services by African Americans much more difficult.
In my personal experience, this viewpoint has not disappeared completely and is still held by some. Racist viewpoints are extremely taboo in contemporary society, which means individuals who hold these views will keep them to themselves and become what I like to call “shadow racists”. Their secret motives manifest the actions they take. In my profession as a CPS social worker I have personally never seen any acts of racism. However, I have heard in the past of CPS workers holding prejudice against African American parents, and substantiating them on false allegations or taking their children into custody. This may still occur today in instances of child welfare investigations nation wide.
3.gennifer-Progressivism, especially in the South, played a role in limiting African Americans. This was considered the worst in the early twentieth century than it has been in slavery ended. The African American population was unaffected by the reforms and social welfare benefits. They were neglected and faced discrimination and harassment. African Americans still face discrimination today. Social legislation focused on aiding and protecting the working class during the progressive Era. The legislation that affected the labor of women and children, workers compensation, regulation of hours and wages, and industrial safety all applied to the industries where it had a minimal of black participants. The problems that existed with in minorities were coextensive with the problems of immigrants. (Stern,2017). African Americans still face discrimination today. Changes need to be made so all races, cultures, religions have access to resources.
4-shayla-i believe that Dave would benefit from Residential/Inpatient treatment services. Dave showed that he put himself in danger when he got into a bar fight and had broken body parts. Dave also put his self in trouble when he got a DUI. According to (Sprong & Davis, 2018), “3.3 Client –managed-Med-Intensity Residential – 24-hour care with training counselors to stabilize multidimensional imminent danger. Less intense milieu and group treatment for those with cognitive or other impairments unable to use full active milieu or therapeutic community, 3.5 -Clinical-Managed High-Intensity Residential- 24-hour care with trained counselors to stabilize imminent danger and prepare for outpatient services” (p.88). Dave fits these categories because of the threat to himself and others.
Dave failed the early treatment stages because he was in denial about his condition. He also felt like he did not have a problem. He also stopped treatment for his physical injuries. Dave also needs counseling because his drinking seems to have started from being depressed about not being able to get his Masters’s plumbing license. I believe Dave’s mental health was also unstable. The appropriate level of care must be identified, or Dave may end up severely injuring or killing himself because of his drinking. For each response, evaluate the learner’s choice of appropriate level of care for Dave and indicate if you agree with level of care or would choose a different level. Use citations from your readings and research to support your opinion.
5.Orville-Once the dimensions are figured out the American Society of Addiction Medicine ( ASAM) has created a scale that is used with each dimension to create a numerical value that will assess the value of the dimension. The counselor then depends on this scale to determine the level of care that needs to be provided. This will determine the treatment and the intervention level . The lower score would be associated with low risk or the lack of issues and the higher score would indicate the risk that is greatest. In between would be the ratings that indicate mildly and moderately difficult followed by serious issues or difficulty coping. This also includes asking the imminent questions that assess for imminent danger. There are three questions. They ask about the probability that certain behavior will occur, that such behavior will present a significant risk and the that behavior will occur in the near future. Of the five primary Levels of care; being early intervention, outpatient services, intense outpatient, partial hospitalization services, residential treatment and medically managed inpatient service level 2 and 3 and the sub treatment options I chose early intervention.Early intervention, which is a level 0.5 is for a person that has not reached the level of substance related disorder criteria. In most cases I think that a person that has been able to remain in the maintenance stage of change and lapses for the first time in three years then probably can get it together with an early intervention. This is so if the offence is not one that presents imminent danger to the client or anyone else and the offence is not a big one. In the case of Mark there in not information that would specify what level of treatment he should be getting. For each response, evaluate the learner’s choice of appropriate level of care for Dave and indicate if you agree with level of care or would choose a different level. Use citations from your readings and research to support your opinion.
6.taylor-The first ASI that comes to mind is schizophrenia. I have experienced people with substance use schizophrenia as well as none substance use schizophrenia. According to the article psychiatric rehabilitation of Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders, there are more than 300,000 people with severe mental illness in prisons and jails which are neither equipped nor staffed to respond to the unique challenges of this population (Bernacchio & Burker, 2016). I feel as though those with co-occurring disorders really would need to have staff that would be equipped to assist with their mental health disorder as well as criminal charges. An assessment tool that would help with mental health would help to determine whether this was more of a mental health issue or substance abuse issue. I also think that substance abuse eval and treatment would be very beneficial to someone when determining an ASI. What reactions do you have to the ideas presented? Include examples from the course readings, scholarly literature, and practical experiences to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the discussion.
7.brandon-The ASI, or Addiction Severity Index, is utilized to provide an overview into a few different areas that may cause problems to a client based on their substance use. Depressive disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders are common in people with SUD (Sprong & Davis, 2018). With that being said it could be quite common to see many other co-occurring diseases that arise based on the results from the ASI. Another assessment tool that could be helpful after getting the results from the ASI would be Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). BDI is a 21 item, self-report rating inventory that measures characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression (American Psychological Association, 2011). This would be a beneficial tool to utilize if you felt that a client who took the ASI may also be suffering from depression. What reactions do you have to the ideas presented? Include examples from the course readings, scholarly literature, and practical experiences to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the discussion.