SDSU Laurence Shames the More Factor Unrestricted Freedom Discussion
I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
we will read the following texts from our textbook Signs of Life in the USA:
- Laurence Shames “The More Factor”(p. 76 or PDF)
- Steve McKevitt “Everything Now”(p. 123 or PDF)
- Jack Solomon “Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising”(p. 152 or PDF). Take the time to read these texts, noting specific ideas or points that stand out to you, such as an idea or point that you find important or revealing. Make note of those passages as you read
- Using one or more of the active reading strategies, identify one to two key points/passages/concepts that stood out to you in each of the assigned texts.
- Next, using the reading strategy “Teach what you have learned to someone else!,” explain what you have learned about consumerism.
- Here’s an example of how you can answer question #1 for one of the texts:Shames: A specific idea brought up in Shames’ text is when he explains how the literal frontier has morphed into a frontier based on economic growth and progress. Shames writes, “A different sort of growth–ultimately, a growth in responsibility and happiness–will have to fulfill our need to believe that our possibilities are still expanding” (Shames 80). This point stood out to me because it shows how our society is centered on the idea that frontiers must be conquered: from land to money, Americans value money since it bestows power and prestige. Here is an example of how you can answer question #2: Here is what I learned after reading all three texts. Our country is founded on the idea that we can achieve our own dreams and desires as long as the possibility is still there for us to achieve it. Take college, as an example. It is possible for someone to go to college since financial aid, scholarships, and student loans are available. An education promises economic growth and progress that is measured by a nice car and house, a career with a healthy 401K, and lots of adult toys. In other words, there’s always a “frontier” we must conquer, leaving us in a state of never being satisfied.