Writing Homework Help

EDU 145 Pitt Community College Physical & Motor Development Questions


  1. Describe in detail how children’s physical development progresses through the preschool years including the following information:
    • Explain the six factors that affect physical growth
    • Explain the importance of hood health care, physical fitness and mental health in proper child development
  2. How can you as an Early Childhood professional enhance children’s physical development through daily activities and free choice experiences?
    • Include ideas for both indoor and outdoor experiences


by Mykaela KeelNumber of replies: 0

The height and weight are steadily changing for preschool years. There are 6 factors that affect these changes in the kids. Those 6 factors are heredity, nutrition, medical conditions, exercise, sleep, emotional well-being. Heredity is the strongest factor when it comes to growth, you would have to look at both parents and compare their structures to see if the child is taking after them. Children must have good eating habits to receive all the nutrients to grow. It doesn’t matter if the child eats junk all day or a lot at once, you will not see growth unless receiving the proper nutrients needed. Medical conditions also influence growth, if the child has food allergies or any stomach problem that is going to prohibit them from eating certain foods. Physical activity helps strengthen the bones and muscles in the preschool years. Some activities are too strenuous such as tumbling and that can have a negative effect on growth. Strenuous activity can cause problems with the child’s bones and halt growth. Sleep is when a very important growth hormone is released into the child’s body. It is very important for the child to get an adequate amount of sleep every night. Children who have a solid foundation at home seem to thrive in growth due to being emotionally well.

Children having a primary doctor for routine checkups is necessary for proper development. Doctors check the child’s height and weight and have a chart that they follow for percentile. A child shouldn’t go below the 5th percentile or above the 95th percentile. If the child reaches over the 95th percentile in weight they are considered obese, children below the 5th percentile is considered to indicate a possible illness. If a child is under the 5th percentile in height it indicates that the child isn’t receiving enough of the growth hormone that is released while sleeping. You can get a synthetic version of the hormone, but it is costly so promoting good sleep habits is necessary. Physical fitness in kids play a big factor in where they will hit on that percentile chart also. Kids should exercise and or play for at least 60 minutes a day at a time. Although outside time is considered physical activity, some of the kids that may be considered obese will not participate. So, you should plan at least 60 minutes of a mandatory physical activity they have to participate in. Mental health is also a factor in development, some kids don’t have a good home environment, so it is nice to come to a nice welcoming classroom setting. It is important to create stress free activities for the students because you don’t know what is going on inside their homes. It is also important to seek mental health consultations for students if they need them.

I as an early childhood professional can enhance the physical development of a child through giving them a safe environment. It is very important to pay close attention to your student’s behavior and body language. I want my kids to be able to come in my classroom and leave all their stress factors at the door. We as teachers don’t know what goes on in a child’s home therefore, we need to offer them the best experience while away, so they have something to look forward too.

For indoor activity to help promote development, I plan to have stations of different scenarios to promote role playing. These stations would include a kitchen, superheroes, leapfrog, and other physical activities. It is important for kids to have both indoor activities and outdoor activities. Outside time would be used for the running, climbing, and rough housing. It is important to have a good playground that promotes these things and that is handicap accessible. The big body play plays a big role in children play; it is in most kid’s nature to do these things. Not only does play time help physical development, but it also helps the children build friendships and helps with cognitive development. While the children play it is important to monitor them, so they don’t get too rough and hurt one another.

SECOND PERSON TO RESPOND TO:by Paige SaundersNumber of replies: 1

As children progress through preschool they will have growth spurts and develop in different ways- physically and mentally. The 6 factors that affect physical growth include heredity, nutrition, medical conditions, exercise, sleep and emotional well being. The parents genetics effects the child’s body structure and height and this is what effects growth the most. If a child indulges in too many unhealthy foods, this will get in the way of them enjoying or eating healthy foods and this may hold their growth pattern back. Also, if a child is not eating then they may not have the strength and energy they need to learn and take part in outside time, and if children are not playing at recess then they aren’t developing their muscles and bones properly. Bad eating or no eating has a domino effect.

ADHD medicines and certain medical issues may stall growth as well. Food allergies, heart- liver- or kidney problems, gastrointestinal issues, etc… are examples of this. Too much or too little exercise will impede growth so it is recommended to find a good medium. Same thing goes for sleep and sleep time may need to be adjusted as a child grows. Last, in order for growth to be supported, those around a child should be nurturing, loving, caring and supportive. Poverty can also effect a child’s growth.

Good health care, physical fitness, and mental health are all important aspects of healthy proper child development. Children and adults need a certain amount of exercise a day depending on age- but I know for sure that 60 minutes of good physical activity is good for everyone. It is important that children have a healthy mental state and if not that the parents seek therapy or a doctor who can help. Insurance for dental, mental, and physical health is recommended so there is no issues of payment or excuse when a child is facing issues and needs to be checked out. Having health insurance is important for everyone for that matter so you can get the best help possible.

When children go to these check up’s they are getting up to date shots and vaccinations, screenings and get blood and urine checked, eyes and ears checked. Doctors will even ask children to preform motor skills to make sure they’re developing fine as well as doing a physical examination. Children also get their height and weight checked to make sure it is of a normal range. If not, if a child is under or over weight then the doctor and parent can discuss what can make it more a normal range and try to solve the issue. If we didn’t take our children to the doctor then we would have a poor record of children’s growth, progress, and development and may be behind on what the child needs.

As an early childhood professional, I can enhance children’s physical development through daily activities and free choice experiences by choosing different activities and lessons. This will get them moving around and exercising. I would let them have free time outside of course for 30 minutes to an hour. I would also chose like thirty minutes a day to do a different physical activity per week to keep them active. I like to keep things fresh and a variety of activities so that children will not get bored doing the same thing every day- if possible.

Having different games hosted daily that do not require a ton of rules would be put in place maybe every other day. I would make sure the children have a well designed, safe and functional playground to use, including children with disabilities. During free time I would let the students run around, jump, play, catch, throw, strike, hop, stretch, skip and gallop, bend, sway, twist, march, jump rope, dance, ride tricycles and get their energy out. I would have different outdoor toys that ensure exercise and allow children to big body play also. Inside, I would let the students pretend or fantasy play or play superheroes.