Writing Homework Help

Pasadena City College Technology and News Censoring Essay


Prompt: To what extent should technology companies, news media outlets, and individuals be responsible for monitoring and preventing the spread of fake news?


  1. How fake news does real harm | Stephanie Busari
  2. Google’s fact-checking tool expands to more countries
  3. Man Behind Fake Campaign News On Viral Stories, Regrets It
  4. Fake News. It’s Your Fault
  5. “Why Videos Go Viral”



Domonoske, Camila. “Students Have ‘Dismaying’ Inability to Tell Fake News from Real, Study 

Finds.” NPR, 23 Nov. 2016, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/23/503129818/study-findsstudents-have-dismaying-inability-to-tell-fake-news-from-real. 

Davis, Wynne. “Fake or Real? How to Self-Check the News and Get the Facts.” NPR, 6 Dec. 


-self-check- the-news-and-get-the-facts. 

Williams, Weston. “Google Rolls Out New ‘Fact Check’ Tool Worldwide to Combat Fake 

News.” Christian Science Monitor, 7 Apr. 2017, www.csmonitor.com/Technology/2017/0407/Google-rolls-out-new-FactCheck-tool-worldwide-to-combat-fake-news.