Mexican immigrant Summary Writing Memorandum Paper
At this point, you have a full draft of your summary and syntthesis essay. For this process work assignment, you should review your peer feedback, review the assignment prompt, and revise your complete essay. Then, add your writer’s memo. The writer’s memo should be on a separate page from your essay and Works Cited, and in the same document. It’s your choice whether you would like to include your memo before the essay or after, I just ask that it is clearly titled “Writer’s Memo,” so that I can easily distinguish it from your essay.
Prompt and Criteria for Writer’s Memo
To accompany your essay, you will write a memo to your instructor (that’s me) explaining at least three choices you made in writing your summaries. In this memo, you should identify three specific choices you made as you wrote this essay and explain why you made those decisions. As you wrote the essay, you made many decisions regarding paraphrasing, inclusion of ideas or concepts from the original, organization of content, style and phrasing, inclusion of quotations, and more. Select three of these and thoroughly explain why you made these choices and why they’re effective choices.