SUNY College What Covid Vaccines are Are Approved for Use by The FDA Questions
1.What does COVID-19 stand for in medical terms?
2.History of its emergence in China’s Wuhan City?
2a. What has China and the rest of the world done to all such “wet markets?”
3.What did Chinese scientists do regarding this virus that greatly aided the development of vaccines?
4.How does the virus affect the respiratory system?
4a. What does the virus do to the rest of the body in some patients?
5.Other than supportive measures, what treatments are being used that are approved by the World Health Organization, the FDA or the CDC?
6.What preventative measures must be taken by everyone in order to gain control of this virus?
7.Concerning vaccines, list all the steps a vaccine must pass through before it is approved by the FDA.
7a Name each potential vaccine that has achieved at least the large clinical trials step in the protocol.
7b. What vaccines are now approved for use by the FDA?