Writing Homework Help

ENGL 302 Iowa State University Role of the Human Resource Manager Discussion


Discussion 2: You-Attitude


Chapter 3 introduces the concept of you-attitude and goodwill. These concepts are necessary for successful communication both internally and externally; however, they can be difficult to put into practice and very often require a kind of translation on the part of the author. Additionally, participating in a discussion based on bridging different points of view helps you practice you-attitude and build goodwill with your peers.


Preparation: Complete before Part 1

Find an example of poor goodwill or you-attitude from your daily life.

Part 1:

In a well-organized post, present your chosen example and include the following:

    1. A brief summary of the scenario (provide any background necessary for our class to fully appreciate the situation), and a discussion of how the communication could have been changed or edited for stronger use of these concepts.
    2. A copy of the message (may be copy/pasted text and/or an image, as appropriate).
    3. URL or citation of the scenario.

Part 2:

“Like” the example you think is the best example of a bad you-attitude message.

Then, reply to the post you liked, using the following guidelines:

    1. Explain why you think it is the most effective example of a badly done you-attitude message.
    2. Explain how to avoid making the same mistake
    3. Reference the appropriate content in the textbook.


The supporting materials for this assignment include:

  • Chapter 3: “Building Goodwill” (specifically, pp. 56-60)