Writing Homework Help

University of North Florida Flynas Airline in Saudi Arabia Case Study


flynas low cost Airlines in Saudi Arabia I wanna u write about it.5 pages minimum
I want you to follow the instructions for the paper is the same for the presentations that already i did I uploaded the presentation. But The only things that you can take from the presentation it’s a interview you can use it Literally other than that you can use some of the thing from the presentation or outline and some ideas please. Do research about flynas airlines and follow the instructions I want you to include everything and don’t forget the pandemic recovery also I uploade Friend of mine paper He wrote Sadia Airlines you can get outlook but didn’t use it because different airlines.

5 pages minimum

The instruction:

The content of the presentation and paper should include, (but not limited to), the following:

Airline Mission and Vision Statement,

Corporate Structure,

Fleet makeup and future aircraft plans,

Route structure and crew bases,

Stock price, revenue numbers and debt (hint: last quarterly statement),

Pilot numbers, pilot retirement projection, seniority projection, and upgrade potential,

Labor-management relations,

Pandemic recovery outlook,

An interview with an active pilot (virtual)

An interview with a non-pilot employee (virtual)

Would this airline be a good place to work? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Guidance for Papers

  • Papers will be double spaced, format with 1-inch margins all around.
  • ARIAL size, 11 font.
  • The centered header should appear in one line at the top of each page reading:
  • Your name, Course Title, Semester – “Title of paper.”
  • The cover page should include your name, course title, the semester, and the title of your paper.
  • Indent at the start of each paragraph.
  • Do not skip an extra line between paragraphs.
  • If you refer to specific in your paper, you should reference them per APA accepted format.
  • All sources, including accident reports, cockpit voice recordings, and articles must be properly cited.
  • When given the length of paper instructions, please note this is an equal or greater requirement. For example, a required 3-page paper is a minimum of 3 pages.
  • All papers must be grammatically correct with correct spelling. Please note that your computer’s program is a good place to START! PLEASE reread your paper and catch mistakes. Spellcheck does not catch a correctly spelled word misplaced in a sentence!
  • Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and incomplete sentences will be graded harshly as will failure to follow the format and length of paper instructions. A good aid for grammar and spelling is Grammarly. There are 2 versions available: select the free version. It is a wonderful aid for any writing assignment.