KINE 1100 University of Texas Arlington Validity of Submaximal Treadmill Exercise Article Paper
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need guidance to help me learn.
Lab 10 includes an article review of an exercise physiological-based research journal article. You will need to follow the directions in your lab manual and include a cover page, purpose, methods, results, conclusions, and references. This paper is done in APA format and points will be deducted for not following the procedures. I must accept the article before you write this; to do so, upload the article into “Article 10 Acceptance” on Canvas. You must submit the article with your written document with highlights and/or notes to show that you have interacted and read the article. You may do this through Adobe if you have the program, or you need to print out your article, highlight or handwrite notes and then scan it back on your computer. Either way, you must attach this highlighted copy of the article in your submission along with your review. Your submission on Canvas will automatically check for plagiarism…if it comes back >30% plagiarized it will be an automatic 0. Please don’t go down this path…it never ends well and this system will tell me the exact source of where you copied and pasted the information. This review and highlighted article are due the week of April 20th during your regularly scheduled lab time however you are encouraged to turn it in earlier. Remember, you must get the article accepted by me prior to your writing! THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS IF LAB 10 IS NOT HANDED IN ON CANVAS BY YOUR LAB TIME.