University of California Irvine Political and Public Health Dimensions of Your Community Paper
I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
For this essay you will examine the political and public health dimensions of your community.
To do this, you will need to examine various outlets like social media and local news outlets for specific examples that show what measures your community or state government implemented to address the public health concerns associated with the pandemic as well as what plan your community or state government implemented to reopen the economy after a few months. You should search through various feeds like Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook (even though young folks don’t use Facebook much, older people who run municipalities and organizations still do.) Most towns have a small local newspaper that uses social media but also has a website where you can read stories. You should also check larger newspapers like the Hartford Courant or New Haven Register (you may need an account to read more than just a few stories). Be prepared to scour these sources going all the way back to February or March 2020.
BE CAREFUL – base your analysis on reliable sources of information.In collecting data for this module you will be more likely to come across sources that are not based on the scientific data. Remember, states only need to have a rational and reasonable basis to believe there’s a public health risk to opening the economy too early or too quickly. There are lots of social media and news outlets basing their opinions on faulty claims and/or conspiracy theories. This is why it’s important to use reliable sources of information.
As you search through social media and local news, be on the lookout for examples showing what the state or local government did to control the outbreak in that area and what the state or local government did to reopen the economy. This is not a referendum on the policies; it’s just an assessment of what was done and not whether it was a good choice or not.
This module focuses more on the role of the local or state government in limiting the further outbreak of this pandemic. It does not focus on the specific economics of those decisions. That will be addressed in the next module.
Your essay should incorporate the following:
- A reminder of the name of your community.
- A reminder of the demographics of your community (you can use the same demographics data from the last essay unless I suggested you make some changes).
- The plan by the state or local government to control the outbreak.
- The plan by the state or local government to reopen the economy.
- Examples showing those plans in action.
- Your initial assessment regarding the effects of those plans.