Writing Homework Help

CAS 283 The Ohio State University Cyberbullying on Tiktok Essay


I’m working on a Communications exercise and need support.


In this assignment you will focus on negative online interaction. Your essay will discuss why some speech is protected, how to recognize different types of negative speech, and analyzing what might be done to control negative speech when warranted. 


Find an example of negative speech or a negative online interaction. If you are looking at something like online comments you should locate 3-4 different comments to make sure you have enough content for the questions below. Your answers should be integrated into one essay instead of a list of answers for this paper.

  • First, discuss why this content can exist online (why hasn’t it been censored or removed). Can you identify any possible use for this speech? Can it be helpful/useful to anyone (if so, how and who)? If not, why not?
  • Identify all the labels (or types) of negative speech you think this is and why- provide good justification for your labels. What category do you think it best fits into, and why?
  • Do you think there should be changes to negative content online? If so, without proposing censorship or changes to existing laws, what could reasonably be done to reduce negative speech online? OR, if not provide a reasonable justification for why things should stay the way they are now.