ENC 1102 Broward College My Experience in Research Writing Discussion and Responses
As we come to the end of the semester, ask yourself a series of questions to reflect on your growth as a writer and share your responses here with your instructor and peers.
For your original post, compose a response of at least 100 words that answers the following questions as one cohesive narrative:
- what do I understand better about research writing now at the end of the semester versus what I understood at the start?
- what do I still struggle to understand about research writing, even as we come to the end of the term, or what was most challenging?
- over the course of the semester, how did drafting essays, sharing work with peers and instructor, receiving feedback, and revising/editing/proofreading make me feel?
- how do I see what I learned about research writing in this course affecting my success in other courses and later on in my pathway/career?
- what suggestions would you give another student on how to get the most out of ENC 1102? What else could you have done or would do differently?
Read through your peers’ posts. Select one peer who was not yet received a response.
For your peer response, craft a response of at least 100 words that engages in conversation. Discuss how your experiences with ENC 1102 diverge or overlap.