BUS 335 Los Angeles Pierce College Leadership & Team Building Skills Discusion
Need to complete Section 1 and Section 2 of this Paper Planning Sheet
Use the sections below as your guide to turn in this planning sheet. This can be done in bullet points, sentence fragments, random thoughts…whatever is needed to put stuff down to explore your theoretical project. THIS IS NOT YOUR PAPER. (will have additional details about the paper requirements within couple days)
This pretty much is an outline only.
1.What would make an impact on your community? Past examples include Habitat for Humanity, Beach Cleaning, Recycling programs, etc. But in the time Covid, there are multiple other areas where impact can be made.
2.How would you implement it? (Really get in there and gameplay the situation)
Would it require teams of people?
Can one person do it all?
Who would need to be involved?
Can it partner with existing programs?
Would it be an ongoing program or a one-time event?
How would you measure the impact?
How would you communicate the parameters of the project and keep it on track?
Any other aspects of implementation that you can think of
3.What is the impact your community?
Who would it impact?
How would they be impacted?
Is there opportunity to expand the project?
Is there opportunity to adapt the project?
When you’ve thought about all of this, the next step is to apply what you’ve learned in this class.
1.What three Dale Carnegie Principles do you see being most useful in this project?
2.For each principle, think of the following:
Why that particular principle?
How would it be implemented in the project?
How would people who are involved in the project benefit from the usage of the principle?
Anything else about the principle in relation to the project.
Here’s the important part:
If you follow this outline and go into detail, the next step will be to write a paper.
Once I get feedback from this planning sheet and have all the required details please help with final paper that could be implemented in community.
This planning sheet will be due by Thursday 4/29 at 10 pm PST
Final paper due date to be announced.