HIV STIs in The LGBT Community in Dallas Texas Report
What is the key health issue, and why should the funders care? Provide evidence supporting a key health issue or need that needs to be addressed within a specific community. Present supporting data in an inverted triangle fashion. For example, briefly explain how the key health issue affects the United States (overall picture). Next, funnel down to the state level by providing statistics about the key issue in Texas. Next, discuss the health issue within the community (local level). The community may be by city, a particular zip code within a large metro area, or at the county level. The local level featured will depend on what data is available, but aim to be as specific as possible. If relevant, it is wise to point out how the health issue impacts the state of Texas and/or the local community to a greater extent than at the national level.
Next, identify the priority (target) population that you want to reach. Do not use too large a population; rather, keep it narrow. For example, Hispanics in the DFW area is a large population; you can’t reach the entire Hispanic population with a small, confined health education/health promotion program. However, Hispanic women aged 35-55 in the 75211 Dallas zip code is specific and narrow. Do not include information about the priority population that is irrelevant (i.e., do not simply cut and paste sections from previous HS course projects). The next step is to discuss how the key health issue specifically affects the priority population. Use current and relevant data, and cite accordingly (APA 7 format).
The major project in this course is a grant proposal. Collaborative groups of four will write three proposal drafts and compile them into the final grant proposal, which is due at the end of the semester.
In writing the grant proposal, you will act as health educators working for an existing non-profit or community health organization. You are seeking additional money (grant funding) to implement a new health education/promotion program to address a specific health issue affecting a priority population within a specific community. As the grant applicant, you will identify a health issue (need) and propose a solution (your program) to address that need.
The grant proposal is a formal request for funding in which you explain who you are (as the applicant organization), what health issue and priority population you want to address, and how you propose to address the health issue (or address the need you’ve identified). As the grant applicants, you are competing for funding; therefore, your proposal needs to be clearly written so you can win.
Each group will identify a foundation with initiatives that align with the group’s key health issue and target population. Keep in mind that most smaller foundations do not publish formal requests for proposals (RFPs). You can learn about funding opportunities by directly visiting foundation websites or searching a foundation directory. Here are a couple of examples:
Allen Foundation, Inc. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)funds grant related to nutritional programs.
Some foundations ask grant writers to submit their research requests; see this example – DFWHC Foundation (Links to an external site.)….
Key Health Issue: HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness
Target Population: Women in the DFW community