BIOL 180 APUS WK 7 The Blue Tailed Skinks Presentation
Presentation Tips and Guidelines 1. Use Assignment 2: The Outline to start preparing your presentation by outlining your ideas. Flesh out that outline by identifying specific subject matter, photos and videos you want to include. Storyboarding, a way of sequencing and organizing your ideas for delivery in the presentation, is a great way to help with the process of preparing a presentation. Here is a link on storyboarding:…
2. Organize your presentation in a logical sequence. Be consistent in your format (use of titles, fonts, background, overall look from slide to slide). Use font types, sizes, and colors that are easy to read.
3. Consider writing out your presentation first and practice your narration prior to recording. Be sure to project your voice so it can be heard well, enunciate, and pause where applicable. When recording your narration, be relaxed, don’t worry if you stumble here or there, but you should rerecord if you have too many “errors” in your run.
4. Proofread and review your final product to ensure it is the final product you are prepared to present to the class and submit for grading.
5. Make sure all photos and videos are working if embedded into your presentation. And a last note on citation….
6. Make sure all videos, photos, figures, graphs, or research are cited properly in your presentation.