EN G333 Great Basin College Tribal Oak Action Plan Paper
Part 4: Recommendations and completion
For this final element of the recommendation report you should compose a conclusion based on the following:
Part 4 Recommendations
Recommendations are arguably the most important part of the analysis phase—this is where you’ll suggest specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified in parts 1-3.
Recommendations should directly respond to key findings arrived at through data collection and analysis. A process of prioritization is essential to narrowing down findings, and once this is done, recommendations should be developed that align with the most important findings.
Reviewing previous assessment reports may be helpful at this stage, to learn what strategies were recommended to address specific constraints in other industries. At this point, recommendations should be one-sentence, succinct, and start with an action verb (create, establish, fund, facilitate, coordinate, etc.). They should use a “SMART” format (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). Each recommendation should be followed by a few sentences of explanatory text.
In addition to being “SMART,” recommendations should be feasible. A final consideration for recommendations is timing. Often solutions to identified problems are sequential, building upon intermediate steps. Teams sometimes frame recommendations as near-term (e.g., 6 to 12 months) and longer term (e.g., one to three years).
Recommendations are typically summarized in the Executive Summary, and presented in full within specific technical sections, usually as a short list of bullets following the findings summary. In some reports, there may be a section at the end of the document that consolidates recommendations and highlights the linkages across core areas (e.g., service delivery and health financing) prior to the conclusion section.
In Summary: Your considerations for prioritizing recommendations
Is it feasible?
Is there potential opposition?
Does it fill an existing gap or need?
What is the likely impact?
Are resources available (individuals, expertise, funding)?
Does it require policy reform?
What is the estimated time frame to implement?
Does it advance gender equality and, if so, how?
Will it remove a critical barrier or accelerate an opportunity to achieve an outcome of interest?
Might it generate an unintended consequence?
At this stage you should be able to go back and add the executive summary discussed at the beginning of Part 1.
This section should consist of 3-4 total pages and does not require double spacing. Use the examples provided in Module 8 (Part 3) through the readings section to finish the rough draft of this section.
At this stage you will put all four parts (Parts 1-4) into one .docx document and upload it here where it will be set to be peer reviewed automatically through the LMS and with anonymity for the reviewers. There will be 2 reviews per recommendation report.
Recommendation Report
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentComposition conveys appropriate tone, formality, and difficulty of language.
100 pts
Full Marks
66.66 pts
Above average
0 pts
No Marks
100 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationInformation is organized logically. Writer addresses major purpose of letter and appropriate audience. Reader understands message.