LAVC Podcast on Disability Etiquette Defended by Legislations Letter
The purpose of this assignment, completed weekly, is to allow you to examine, analyze and share your perceptions of the experiences of people with disabilities, their portrayal in the public media, and some of the services provided to them. Each week’s fieldwork relates to the current or a recent topic discussed in class.
This week: You will research, select one podcast related to disability rights, and write a letter to the host responding to the podcast.
When you finish, you will write a reflection on your experiences.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course / in school / in this field / in professional life beyond school:
- MLO #2.3. Explain and analyze legal mandates requiring reasonable accommodations needed by people with disabilities in daily living, the workplace, public services, public accommodations, and education.
- MLO #5.3. Examine and critique the availability of and participation of people with disabilities in professional athletics as a function of societal beliefs about the capabilities of people with disabilities.
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
Course Objective 2: Analyze issues of social justice relating to disability and the global growth of legal and civil rights of individuals with disabilities domestically and internationally.
- Give yourself time to find a podcast about Disability Rights. You may have to listen to more than one podcast before you find one that resonates with you. You will have to be prepared to have a very honest conversation about disability, which may take you out of your comfort zone.
- Research and select a podcast about disability rights.
- Listen to the podcast and review any laws or policies mentioned. Using your knowledge of the disability-related laws studied in this class, write a “Letter to the Host” responding to the podcast.
- Your letter should identify the key problem(s) the individual or group is facing and outline how you agree or disagree with them and are advocating for the rights of individual or group.
- Be sure to cite laws or policies that support your stance as well as the podcast name and episode number.