FILM 440 University of California Classical Three Point in the Titanic Film Questions
Watch Miss Juneteenth (2020) then using Chapter 5 as a guide answer the prompts below (Max 300 words), and respond to two of your classmates.…(you can also find this movie online but if you need I can share my student account for you to access that website to watch)
*Be sure to use and define at least three terms from this and previous chapters. It’s important to begin building your cinematic language vocabulary over the course of the semester.
**Remember. Nothing in a film’s mise-en-scène is ever accidental; it is all designed to help tell the story.**
1. General questions:
1a. What is the rule of thirds, and how can filmmakers create compositional stress?
1b. Choose and consider one of your favorite films or media. How is lighting used? Is there more high key or low key lighting? Is three-point lighting ever used? What are these choices being used to convey in the story?
2. Miss Juneteenth (2020) Film-Specific Questions:
2a. Choose a scene in the film. Identify the elements of the mise-en-scène that seem to be contributing the most to your experience and understanding of the story and characters.
2b. What choices have the filmmakers made to create an overall real or verisimilar feel in the mise-en-scène of the film?
2c. Does the movie’s design have a unified feel? How do the various elements of the design (the sets, props, costumes, makeup, hairstyles, etc.) work together?
After you answer the question, can you sent me the work asap. Then I can submit it to see other people’s discussion for you to write the responses. and a response only need to be very less about 20-60 words