Centennial High School The Lonely Goatherd Questions
“The Lonely Goatherd”
1. Write a five-sentence summary of the story.
2. Identify two intertexts in the story. Please provide evidence.
3. What are the three best words that describe the relationship between Carl and Sarah? Please provide evidence.
4. Focus on 130-132; what is this passage’s dominant tone or tones? Please provide evidence.
5. Identify three metaphors or similes in the story that tell you something important about one of the characters.
6. Sarah believes that fairy tales are “violent and sexist.” To what extent does this story prove that belief to be true? How do the fairy tales help explain the relationship between Sarah and Carl? Write a 500-word essay that responds to those questions. Be sure to provide a thesis statement; develop an argument; and use ample textual evidence.