ECE 315 Ashford University Language Development in Children Discussion
To prepare for this assignment,
- Read Chapter 3 of the course text.
- Read Linguistic Environment of Preschool Classrooms: What Dimensions Support Children’s Language Growth? download
- Watch Supporting Oral Language Development in a Language-Rich Environment (Links to an external site.).
- Open Language Rich Environment Photos and choose three images to analyze.
- Use the Language Rich Environment Template to complete this assignment.
In your two- to three- page paper
- Compose a brief introduction that will prepare your reader for what is to come in the paper (one to two paragraphs).
- Provide the name for each of the three images you selected.
- For each of the three images you will
- Examine how this area could be set up in a learning environment.
- Explain how this area supports language development.
- Determine, based on the age of children you plan to work with, an activity or experience in this area. In other words, what would children do in this space in your learning environment?
- Describe how you will assess the effectiveness of this area on language development.