USF Principal Challenges to the Possibility of Ethical Leadership Essay
Each student will write a paper that discusses and responds to the principal challenges to the possibility of ethical leadership: the corruptive nature of power, ends justifying the means (dirty hands) and being good among so many who are not good (Ciulla, 2002). Overcoming these challenges can be argued to be the central problem for both the theory and practice of moral leadership. It is an enduring problem for students of leadership and scholarship in leadership ethics.
Students should demonstrate original and well-supported conclusions about appropriate responses to these challenges. Such conclusions may be based in research, including review of selected major works and major issues, in the fields of moral theory, moral psychology, practical ethics and leadership studies. Multiple references from multiple sources, including opposing points of view, are expected.
Students’ ethical self-awareness, particularly as a leader, should be demonstrated. Furthermore, regardless of solutions offered, students should demonstrate abilities to recognize, understand, apply and evaluate different ethical, moral perspectives and concepts.
Students should discuss others’ perspectives and how those perspectives inform the student’s conclusions. Reference should be made to the ethics case group project and its civic context. The ethics case is a collaborative assignment that should produce multiple examples of how students comprehend, express, and adapt to ideas based on others’ perspectives.
Students should conclude with findings and conclusions from which they derived their personal code of leadership ethics (principles and values). Developing a personal code of ethics can be an important and meaningful exercise in articulating one’s values and principles and establishing a set of guidelines for decision making. For this assignment you will create your own code of ethics that will ideally provide you with some additional guidance in the next stages of your professional and personal life. Keep in mind concepts of ethics and power as you develop your code of ethics. This personal code should include civic identity and the ethical and professional responsibilities of a leader.