Georgia Institute of Technology Adidas Global SWOT Analysis
Help me study for my Research & Summaries class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
- What are the company’s core products, services, and/or technologies and to what industries/markets do they sell?
- What is the current challenge that the company faces as it attempts to grow globally through trade (exports and imports) and foreign direct investment?
- What is the company size (# employees and $ revenue) and what are its core global markets?
- What is the company’s growth goal? Expand and existing overseas market such as France? Enter a new one such as China? Other?
- Example 1: A small US digital media company wants to access the European market, but has no cyber security or data privacy strategy and few human and financial resources.
- Example 2: A large Indian manufacturer of machine tool equipment wants to sustain its market share in China, but has severe supply chain challenges due to COVID-19.
Note: The above two examples are used for illustrative purposes. You must choose your own.
PAPER FORMAT – Corporate Global SWOT and Growth Strategy
Executive Summary (1 page)
- Introduction
- Key points & recommendations from research
Background (1 page)
- Context + corporate description (core products, technologies, services; size by number of employees and revenue; global locations, if any; previous growth strategy and tactics; other)
- Description of the current corporate global growth challenge (for example via international trade or foreign direct investment – FDI) the company faces
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) (6-7 pages)
- Strengths (What internal corporate resources and capabilities give the company a competitive advantage?)
- Weaknesses (What internal corporate factors could derail the company’s success in achieving its goals?)
- Opportunities (What external factors/trends may help the company achieve success in achieving its goals?)
- Threats (What external factors/trends may seriously and negatively affect the company’s ability to reach its goals?)
Strategy & Recommendations (4-6 pages)
- Evaluate and justify most appropriate strategy that logically relates to the SWOT analysis. For guidance, use material from your Hill online smartbook chapters; other class material in CANVAS; on-line sources such as McKinsey Consulting etc. There often is no single strategy that helps firms achieve their global growth goals. But there are useful frameworks that provide sound starting points, enabling you to be creative.
- Provide detailed recommendations to the company that help it succeed in achieving the stated global growth goal.
Background Readings:
- What is a SWOT?…