COM 126 SNHU Issues of Separating Media and Culture Project
8-12 slides in presentation format. Does media reflect culture, or does it create culture?
Presentations are a critical skill set for all communication professionals to master by the time they enter the workforce. This assignment will allow you to gain
experience in researching trends in communication, such as using language, conceptual terms, technology common in communication fields, and creating
artifacts that can begin building their professional brand/identity.
The project is divided into one milestone and a final submission that will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure
quality final submissions. The milestone will be submitted in Module Six. The final product will be submitted in Module Eight.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Analyze the interrelationship of media and culture for identifying the past, current, and future trends in communication and mass media
Create effective multimedia presentations related to the field of communications using applicable tools and media technologies
Integrate appropriate terms and concepts, fundamental across multiple communication fields, for enhancing the delivery of messages
You have examined the question “Does media reflect culture or does media create culture?” through the lens of a media channel of your choice in part one. In the second final assessment, you will present your arguments and evidence in a presentation with speaker notes.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Presentation
a) Create an engaging introduction to your presentation that includes your concise thesis. You should remember who your audience is and attempt
to appeal to them directly within this introduction.
b) Incorporate appropriate terms and concepts from the course materials throughout your presentation. Your use of these will demonstrate your
comprehension and ability to incorporate them fittingly.
c) Describe ways in which a media reflects a culture, providing evidence to effectively support your discussion.
d) Describe ways in which a media creates a culture, providing evidence to effectively support your discussion.
e) Include a clear and purposeful graph or visual.
f) Create a conclusion that solidifies your findings and arguments, identifying how they fit with past, current, and future trends.
g) Present your research in an effective and engaging manner, geared towards your intended audience.
h) Effectively use visual content geared towards your intended audience.
i) Speaker Notes. Provide speaker notes that further explicate the terms and concepts you integrated from the course materials.
Final Project Part Two Milestone One: Rough Draft
In Module Six, you will submit a rough draft of your presentation slides. This milestone gives your instructor a chance to offer feedback on your presentation
before the final submission. Final Submission Part Two: Presentation
In Module Eight, you will submit the second part of your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final
product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Part Two Rubric. Final Project Part Two Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should be 8 to 12 slides and include speaker notes and cover and reference slides. All references are cited in APA