ECE 315 Ashford University Language Development Interview
Language Development Interview
[WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2]
Much of the knowledge we gain comes from our learning through personal experiences. For this assignment, you will spend time talking with an experienced preschool teacher, discussing the support of language acquisition and language developmental stages in the classroom.
To prepare for your assignment,
- Review Chapters 5 and 6 of the class text.
- Locate two scholarly sources related to language development.
- Select five of these Language Development Interview Questions to ask your chosen experienced preschool teacher.
- Download the Language Development Interview template downloadto complete this assignment.
In your three to five page paper
- Compose a brief introduction that will allow your reader to follow its organization and the focus of your discussion (one to two paragraphs).
- Document the interview. Either provide the video recording (with permission) or write the questions and corresponding answers.
- Analyze the provided interview responses using your knowledge gained, the textbook, and at least two other resources to substantiate or refute their answers. You can elaborate for or against their responses to further strengthen your own understanding.
- Propose three ways you will meet the needs of preschool children to support their language development using the provided answers and your knowledge.
- List your references in APA Style (Links to an external site.) on a separate references page at the end of your document.
Note: You will be asked to refer to this interview when composing your Final Presentation for this course, where you will propose three strategies you might implement to support the language development of children in your learning environment. You will want to refer to strategies you learn from this interview as well as any you discover in your readings. You may want to look ahead to the Final Presentation directions located in Week 5 to understand how you will adapt this assignment to fit those requirements.