UCI Reagan Administration One of The Most Eventful in Modern US History Discussion
Assignment #1
This week we turn to anthropology as a discipline. One of your readings (the EJ Sobo piece) brings into the fore the idea of conspiracy theories as a topic of thinking, and thinking through, what anthropology can do.
Please think critically about what you are going to write about! If the conspiracy theory is about something that can be triggering or generally problematic, think about how you present it and where you link to!
For your first post, due by Thursday 11:59p PST:
I want you to post about a conspiracy theory that you are aware of. Describe what it is about and give a link to some source about this. (please make sure to see the note above!)
Then I want you to pose why it is important to understand that conspiracy from the inside (i.e. anthropologically
Assignment #2
First:You will select one question that you want to engage with and provide a response. Your response should be no less than 200 words. Please include parenthetical citations in your responses to show what ideas are coming from the lecture versus an assigned source. Your response must be posted by Thursday November 18, 11:59 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted.Note: You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until after you have posted. Thus, you will need to do the first part to move onto get any credit.Second:You must choose two different colleagues who have written on two questions that you did not answer. You will need to substantively respond to two classmates (meaning actual engagement with the topic addressed). Simply complimenting or thanking a colleague for their comments will not be considered a responses moving forward and you will not receive credit for this reply. You do not have to agree with your classmates. Civil and respectful debate is encouraged. Reply posts should be approximately 50 words for each. Your peer replies must be posted by Thursday November 18, 11:59 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted. If for some reason you have technical difficulties, please email me immediately to alert me to your issues and avoid losing credit it possible. In total, there are three parts. Each of the questions for our discussion boards are geared toward helping you prep for your course exams. It can be helpful to use our discussion board questions as a study guide for the midterm. Week 7 Discussion Prompts (Please Respond to 1 Question and two colleagues):
Keeping in mind last week’s videos related to Second-Wave Feminism, how do they connect with the shift in women’s activism? Discuss two social issues/causes that organizations such as NOW, Women’s Liberation, and the Combahee River Collective focused on. Were these issues embraced by all organizations? What were the specific reasons why or why not multiple feminist organizations took up these causes (i.e. how did issues of sexuality, race, and class inform the political stances they took)? Make sure to cite at least two assigned materials for this response.
In what ways do you see the social movements of the 1960s having a response in the New Right and the conservative movements of starting in the 1970s? According to Lisa McGirr, what was the conservative movement responding to? Discuss at least two factors that led to the emergence of the conservative movement during the 1970s and 80s. Make sure to cite at least two assigned materials for this response.
There are many different perspectives on the legacies of the Reagan administration that require close consideration of the way historians and the public have portrayed this era. Based on your readings and view of the materials discuss both the foreign and domestic legacies of Reagan by answering the following questions based on your analysis of the readings: How did the Iran-Contra scandal define Reagan’s foreign policy? What connected this event to the administration’s domestic policy, and the contradictions of the War on Drugs? How did the Reagan administration’s stance on law and order, economic policy (“Reagonomics”), and increased military spending target and impact Black and Brown communities? Make sure you engage with assigned sources and lecture for this response.
Sample response 11.Some women’s activism organizations have evolved in second-wave feminism, such as NOW national organization for women, and they are forced to “create equity and pursue equal wages equal sonorities rights” by “modifying the working conditions and getting rid of protective labor legislation”(Origins of Second-Wave Feminism with Linda Gordon, 2017). Some are also deal with private sphere issues (associate with birth control and abortion, sharing in childcare.). For example, Women’s Liberation was calling for abortion rights. and those organizations were fighting against domestic violence and sexual violence. But different groups could have different focuses, for example, Women in the NOW could judge younger people who think exclusively of middle-class women, and those younger women could be critical that NOW were not taking the personal issues. Because they could only focus on the personal and experienced situation, they cannot reach a consensus though they could have the same goal. “the birth control movement has seldom succeeded in uniting women of different social backgrounds, and rarely have the movement’s leaders popularized the genuine concerns of working-class women” (Davis, 1983). For example, “Since this first call for birth control was associated with goals which could only be achieved by women possessing material wealth, vast numbers of poor and working-class women would find it rather difficult to identify with the embryonic birth control movement.”Sample 2Q2 The rise of conservative movements was influenced by the civil rights movement in the 1950s. More and more American Liberal Youth and political activists began to express their dissatisfaction with some social phenomena through protest movements, such as crime, drug abuse, racial discrimination, war and so on. New Right conservatives blamed liberalism on the problems of the state, which led to corruption and incompetence in the government. Conservatives opposed gay equality, the legalization of abortion and drug abuse. Conservatives are mainly white middle-class Protestants. They used conservatism to change the changes in moral views and the emergence of communism, which revived the Republican Party. On the other hand, the rise of the conservative movement reflects the social problems and people’s methods to solve the problems at that time. The conservative movement is the embodiment of opposing liberalism. The factors leading to the conservative movement include abortion, homosexuality and communism. Abortion and homosexuality are on the rise because moral values declined in the 1960s and 1970s and people’s behavior became more unrestrained. Conservatism stood up and prevented this phenomenon because it violated their previous religious dogma and moral values. Another factor is communism. Communism believes that communities own property rather than individuals, which violates people’s freedom and deprives them of their rights. Conservatives began to protest communism, gay equality and abortion to find ways to solve the problems of corruption and incompetence of the U.S. government.