Penn Foster College Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Essay
Attached Files:
- APA Sample Paper and Template.docx APA Sample Paper and Template.docx – Alternative Formats (19.512 KB)
The attached file contains a great example for how to write an APA formatted paper, and how to cite your sources in APA format. It is a template that you can use to write your papers. Also, see the excellent guidelines below:
APA Format – The Basics
Step 1
Create your title page. Center your title in uppercase and lowercase letters on the page. Add your name on the next line, followed by your college on the next line. See example:
Step 2
Add a running header to your document. Left justify the words “Running Head” followed by a colon and your paper’s title in capital letters. Then, right-justify the page number. Apply this running header on all pages of your document. See example:
Step 3
Include parenthetical citations. Include the author and year of publication in parenthesis after paraphrased text—for example (Coleman, 1997). If you include the author’s name in the sentence, add the year of publication in parenthesis after the name—for example, “As Coleman (1997) argued. . .” If you include a direct quote in your paper, add the page number of that quote in your parenthetical citation—for example, (Johnson, 2001, p. 53). See this source for examples of other in-text citations:
Step 4
Create a list of references. The last pages of your document should include a detailed list of the references you used to write your paper. Indent the second and subsequent lines of each entry ½ inch, but left-justify the first line of each entry. Alphabetize your list of references, listing the authors’ last names followed by their first names.
This five minute video on the basics of APA formatting is worth the watch :
And for those with more advanced curiosity: