UCB Black Lives Matter & Reproductive Justice Essay
At the start of each week I ask that you submit a short, written something marking your engagement with the readings for that week. Because each week will vary in how difficult the readings will be, how much work you will have, how engaging you will find them, what we are expecting of you in this course, etc., I expect that what you will bring to this will vary as well. The minimum that we will accept for full credit for weekly reading engagement is one discussion question per (bullet-pointed) reading for that week. You can conceivably submit as much as you might like for this, but we envision the maximum to be a one-page reflection on the readings. Anything in between that reflects on and engages with themes, concepts, and main ideas from the readings is allowable. If you would like us to consider a “nonstandard” submission, like poetry, zines, etc., please do not hesitate to reach out
For the final weekly reading engagement, the “rules” are a bit more relaxed. You can use the space to reflect on whatever you want from the course. Ask whatever questions you might like. It doesn’t need to be “one per (required) reading”, per usual, but do try to use this space to demonstrate engagement in some way!