LIGN 8 UCSD Language and Bilingualism Reflection Paper
LIGN 8 — Languages and Cultures of America
Linguistic Autobiography
For this assignment, you will connect your experience as a user of one or more American language to concepts covered throughout this course. Think about how your experience as a speaker of a language (or languages) has been formed and about who or what has been part of this formation. You should contextualize your experiences in the larger social setting and explore how these experiences have shaped your own attitudes about language. To do this, apart from your academic research, I encourage you to interview family members and friends with whom you have grown up. Final version is due July 28th @ 1159pm (firm date) via TurnItIn on Canvas.
- A thesis statement which connects your personal language experiences to at least one topic we have discussed in class.
- Develop the body of the paper connecting it to your topic and thesis statement – develop your thesis and how that relates to at least three concepts covered in class.
- A well-integrated reference to at least three academic sources (These should include concepts from the class readings, discussions, and lectures.
- Correct use of terms from class when appropriate (e.g., language shift, Three-Generation Rule, linguistic discrimination, mutual intelligibility, overt/covert prestige, diglossia, etc…)
- The paper should be clearly written, proofread, and no longer than 750 words (does not include in-text references or reference list).
- If you submit a paper that does not address the above criterion you will receive a zero.
Thesis statement
The thesis statement is the point of your paper; it should summarize how your personal experience relates to course concepts. It should be clear, concise, and the body of your paper should support and connect to it.