Writing Homework Help

University of Maryland Global Campus Week 2 Coca Cola Company Discussion


I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Topic 1: Customer satisfaction, loyalty & empowerment (200-300 words)

Visit and choose ONE of these corporate websites to assess:

Note: You will have to go beyond the main landing page to obtain the data you need for your response.

Respond to the following questions for the company website you have chosen: 

  • What does this company do to build customer loyalty? To build community? 
  • Are customers are empowered to do anything here? Are there opportunities for customer feedback?  Anything else?
  • Does the company partner with other organizations to leverage the loyalty those other companies enjoy with their customers? If so, what organizations?  What partnering activities is the company doing with those organizations? 
  • Are you a loyal customer of this company or might be consider becoming one? Why or why not?


TOPIC 4: CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE – Personal Application (200-300 words)

The goal of any formal customer relationship management program is to attract and retain profitable customers with high customer lifetime value. 

Identify a company for which you might be considered a valuable customer.  Let’s see what you might be worth to that company in terms of lifetime value (LTV).  Are you a highly profitable customer for that company?

  • Visit https://neilpatel.com/blog/how-to-calculate-lifetime-value/. This site will give you an example of lifetime value using Starbucks as an example. Note all the variables that go into lifetime value calculations.
  • Record your lifetime value calculation and discuss how the company tries to retain and grow your business as a valuable customer.

How to calculate lifetime value [Infographic]. (n.d.). https://neilpatel.com/blog/how-to-calculate-lifetime-value/