EDU 261 PCC High Quality Child Care Center Preschool Teacher Analysis
Download, save, complete and submit the budget template. Please read the directions carefully. Use the Ratios Handout to determine how many staff you need for each class. If you decide to go by NAEYC ratio standards, you will have fewer children per adults, which suggests higher quality but is more expensive to provide than meeting the minimum ratio requirements. I HAVE INSERTED AN EXAMPLE FOR INFANT WHICH YOU MAY USE OR CHANGE. After figuring out how many staff you need, decide on the wage you would like to pay and then do the math to figure out how much that will cost per year (2080 is the number of work hours in a year at 40 hours per week). Multiply the total of all salaries times 25% to give the amount of fringe benefits (health, sick, etc) and then add that to get a grand total of salaries.
Insert the grand total on page 2, and add all budgetary items to determine your total expenses. The number of children you have when you are at 90% capacity IS 63 (70 TOTAL CHILDREN X .90) and then do the division to determine how much families would have to pay per week. Then answer the 3 questions at the bottom of the page.
Salaries are the largest part of any child care budget. You should have a BIG number. Don’t forget, once you decide on your hourly rate, multiply that by the number of staff in the classroom, and then multiply that by the number of work hours in a year (2080).